Retired Faculty By-Laws

By-Laws of The Association of Retired Faculty of 葫芦影业

I.  Title

The name of this association shall be the Association of Retired Faculty of 葫芦影业.

II.  Purpose

Its purpose is to bring together colleagues who have a common bond of service in the teaching, research, extension, and student support responsibilities of 葫芦影业.  It is intended for the mutual benefit of its members and the University.  In general, the objectives of the Association membership include the encouragement of participation in University activities, service to the University, expression of common concerns, and scholarly interests.  More specifically, these purposes include the following:

  1. The fostering of an ongoing relationship with the University and participation in its activities.
  2. Participating in the public relations efforts of the University as advocates of SDSU and higher education.
  3. Clarifying and implementing University policies concerning benefits that may be made available to retired professional staff.
  4. Providing a unified voice in supporting the needs and entitlements of the members in their relationship with the University, the Regents, and the Legislature.
  5. Promoting communication with the University and among the members of the Association.
  6. Providing service to the University through its committees, as consultants, or as may be requested by the administration and faculty of the University.
  7. Assisting with teaching, research, or counseling, as opportunities occur and as may be mutually agreed.
  8. Serving as consultants in the recording of the history and tradition of 葫芦影业.
  9. Sponsoring seminars or other special events where the talents of the Association are relevant and the resources of the Association may provide assistance.
  10. Encouraging and contributing financial support for scholarships and special projects of SDSU through the 葫芦影业 Foundation.

III.  Membership

As used in these by-laws, the term 鈥渇aculty鈥 is intended to include all professional personnel who retire from 葫芦影业.  General Membership is automatic with retirement. Spouses are invited to participate as non-voting members, but may not hold positions as officers or serve on the Association Board.

Because of our common ties and shared goals, the active interest and participation, to the extent possible, is urged of all eligible members regardless of their place of residence, following retirement.

IV.  Dues

The Association of Retired Faculty may determine annual dues which are necessary for the ongoing expenses of the Association. Dues will be proposed annually by the Association Board and if any change is proposed from the previous year, it will be brought to a vote of the membership at the fall annual meeting and notification of the proposed annual dues will be included in the meeting announcement.

V.  Officers

The officers of this Association shall be president, vice president, secretary-treasurer, and membership coordinator. The Officers function as the Executive Committee.  The past president will be invited to Executive Committee meetings to ensure continuity of the business of the Association with voice and vote.

A.  Duties

  1. The President, and in his or her absence the Vice President, shall:
    1. preside at meetings of the Association and its Executive Committee meetings,
    2. exercise the usual functions of a President which is to call meetings of the Association Board and Executive Committee to carry out the duties and functions of the Association.;
    3. serve for one year.
  2. The Vice President shall:
    1. perform the duties of the President during the absence, disability, or in the event of withdrawal or resignation of the President.
    2. succeed to the office of President the following year; and
    3. perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee
  3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall:
    1. keep the records of the Association,
    2. determine that notice of meetings is provided,
    3. keep the roll of membership,
    4. collect dues,
    5. keep its accounts, and
    6. disburse funds of the Association.
    7. be appointed by the board and serves as an ongoing appointee, until he or she resigns or is unable to serve.
  4. The Membership Coordinator shall:
    1. maintain a current contact list of members;
    2. provide mailing labels and send notices of meetings and other information to the membership as requested by the Executive Committee;
    3. serve as a liaison between the SDSU Human Resources Office and the Association for purposes of updating the list of members; and
    4. serve as an ongoing appointee by the board, for continuity of membership records, unless he or she resigns or is unable to serve.

B.  Election and Vacancies

  1. The President and Vice President shall be elected to one-year terms at the annual meeting in September and shall assume their office immediately following the meeting.
  2. A vacancy in the office of the President shall be filled by the Vice President.  The Executive Committee shall make appointments to fill other vacancies. It is recommended that the vice presidential candidate come from the current association board membership.

VI.  Association Board

A.  The Association Board shall consist of the Executive Committee (President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Membership Coordinator) of the Association, plus six additional at-large board members. 

B.  The Association Board will meet on call of the President.  Five members shall constitute a quorum.  The committee will manage the affairs of the Association in the accomplishment of its purposes.

C.  The six at-large board members will be elected at the fall meeting, to a 3-year term with a limitation of two consecutive 3-year terms.  Terms for at-large board members will be staggered with two members elected each year or as vacancies occur.  In the event of a mid-year vacancy, the Executive Committee may appoint a board member to fill the vacancy.

D.  The Secretary-Treasurer will keep written minutes of its meetings which will be reported at the annual Fall meeting.

VII.  Meetings

A.  Meetings of the Association shall be held two times per year; with one meeting in the spring and one meeting in the fall.   Notice of meetings will be distributed to members by mail or e-mail.

B.  Members present shall constitute a quorum.

C. The agenda for the spring meeting shall include, but is not limited to, the following: Remarks and updates on University priorities and plans from the President and Provost of SDSU.

D.  The agenda of the fall meeting shall include, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. report of the Secretary-Treasurer on matters of membership and finances.
  2. reports from Task Forces.
  3. election of officers and board members.
  4. a brief program or presentation about SDSU that is selected by the Association Board.

E.  The Executive Committee or Association Board may offer other presentations, programs, campus tours, study tours or other opportunities for enrichment to Association Members at any time.

VIII.  Task Forces

Task Forces may be appointed by the Executive Committee to fulfill a focused charge.

IX. Amendments

These by-laws may be amended by 2/3 of those voting at any annual or special meeting at which a quorum is present.