Graduate Student Survey
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Graduate Student Survey: 2020-2021
The SDSU Graduate Student Survey was administered in Spring 2021 to provide information about graduate students’ employment plans, volunteer service, military service, or additional education. The report assesses the career paths and educational pursuits of the graduates.
Spring 2021 was the pilot year for the survey. It was sent electronically to graduate students who completed the graduation application (n=303).
Response Rate
120 of the 303 graduate students who received the survey participated (response rate of 39.6%).
Most graduate students who completed they survey were either employed (n=70), plan to pursue additional training (n=9) or take a post-doc fellowship/research position (n=8). 56.8% of respondents were employed in South Dakota.
Overall Satisfaction
- 83.8% = I Would Come to SDSU Again for My Graduate Degree
- 88.4% = Quality of Graduate School Experience Met Expectations
- 97.3% = SDSU Graduate Studies Supported My Career Goals
Number of Participants by Graduate Degree
What type of graduate program did you participate in?
- 58.3% = Master's
- 10.8% = Ph.D.
- 23.3% = Pharm.D.
- 1.7% = D.N.P.
- 5.8% = Other
Post-Graduation Plans
Which of the following BEST describes your PRIMARY activity after graduation?
- 5.0% = Career in Government Agency
- 24.4% = Career in Private Sector
- 9.2% = Career in Educational Institution
- 20.2% = Continue Current Employment
- 5.8% = Pursue Additional Training at Other Institution
- 1.7% = Pursue Additional Training at SDSU
- 6.7% = Post-Doctoral Fellowship or Research Position
- 17.6% = Looking for Employment
- 3.4% = Uncertain
- 5.9% = Other
Primary Activity
I agree my post-graduate activity:
- 95.0% = Related to SDSU Program of Study
- 76.5% = Required Completion of Program/Degree
- 96.7% = Required Knowledge and Skills Obtained through Education
- 66.7% = Entry Level Position
Assistance in Degree Completion
During your time as a graduate student, which of the following were the most important sources of information to assist you in degree completion? (multi-select)
- 55 = Major Advisor
- 29 = Thesis/Dissertation Advisor
- 11 = Graduate Committee
- 33 = Graduate School Staff
- 28 = Graduate Coordinator or Department Head
- 7 = Departmental Guidelines or Handbook
- 55 = Other Graduate Students
- 30 = Other Faculty
- 14 = SDSU Graduate Catalog/Website
- 4 = Other
Satisfaction with Graduate School Office
Thinking about your experience with the graduate school office, I agree:
- 98.8% = Staff Treat Me Fairly and with Respect
- 97.6% = Staff Responded to my Questions
- 96.3% = Staff Responded to my Concerns
- 93.7% = Staff Explained Policies or Processes
- 90.0% = Good Information was Provided at Graduate Student Orientation
Feedback on Department
I agree my department:
- 94.6% = Provided an Intellectually Stimulating Environment
- 94.6% = Helpful in Responding to Questions/Concerns
- 95.5% = Faculty Treated Me Fairly and With Respect
- 93.7% = Faculty Supported my Well-Being
- 96.4% = Staff Treated Me Fairly and With Respect
Satisfaction with Advisors
I agree my advisor:
- 97.3% = Treat Me Fairly and with Respect
- 93.7% = Helped Me Understand, Requirements, Expectations, and Procedures
- 91.0% = Provided Me Opportunities for Professional Development
- 90.9% = Helpful in Responding to Questions and Concerns