All MMC students must develop a plan of study with their advisor. The plan is due to the graduate school by the end of their second semester. The plan must include all core required courses as well as applicable electives that add up to at least 50% of skills-based coursework. For Option B students, the plan must be 32 credits of graduate coursework (500 level or higher) including two credits of MCOM 788 Master's Research Problem/Project. For Option C students, the plan must be 36 credits of graduate coursework and they do not have MCOM 788 as an option.

Students may take electives outside of the major, and some graduate-level coursework may be transferred in if applicable. Students must consult with their academic advisor to determine what courses can be added as electives. The Office of Continuing and Distance Education lists all courses offered online at SDSU, and students can search this list for possible electives.

MMC Electives

Course PrefixCourse NumberCourse TitleCredits
MCOM513International Media - every spring, first 8 weeks3
MCOM574Entrepreneurial Media - every fall, first 8 weeks3
MCOM653Mass Communication Teaching Methods - spring, odd years, second 8 weeks3
MCOM742Health Campaigns - summer, odd years3
MCOM761Social Media Management - odd years, first 8 weeks3
MCOM791Independent Study - based on instructor availability1-3*

MMC Core Required Courses

Course PrefixCourse NumberCourse TitleCredits
MCOM705Introduction to the Master of Mass Communication - every fall, first 8 weeks3
MCOM710Cross-Platform Storytelling - every spring first 8 weeks3
MCOM730Media Law Case Studies - every summer, 10 weeks3
MCOM746Cross-Platform Campaigns - every spring second 8 weeks3
MCOM786Conducting Professional Research - every fall, second 8 weeks3
MCOM788Master鈥檚 Research Problem/Project** - every term2

Your total credits must add up to 32 (Option B) or 36 (Option C). Students may also take non-MCOM classes or transfer classes with prior approval. Students will work on their plan of study in MCOM 705 Introduction to the Master of Mass Communication, the first course in the program. You can access the form you need to complete at the link below:

*Indicates variable credit course; students can take if for anywhere from one to three credits depending on the workload. Internships must be approved by the school, with 80 hours= one credit for up to three credits.

**Students who chose the project (Option B) must take at least two credits of MCOM 788, however they can take up to three credits. Students will be assigned a grade of either Satisfactory (S) or Unsatisfactory (U) for 788 credits. Two semesters of Unsatisfactory project progress will result in the student being dropped from the program. If a student is assigned a "U," they will get a written explanation by the end of the semester it is assigned.