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Wilson, Mary Douglas Vavrus (affiliated faculty in the Department of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies) Dissertation: Toward a Feminist Rhetorical Theory of Global Citizenship M.A., Phi Kappa Phi University of Georgia, 2007 Department of Speech Communication Areas of emphasis: rhetorical criticism and public address, political rhetoric Committee: Vanessa B. Beasley (advisor), John M. Murphy, Christine Harold Thesis: We Get to Carry Each Other: An Analysis of Agency within the Political Rhetoric of U2s Bono B.A., Summa Cum Laude Gustavus Adolphus College, 2005 Department of Communication Studies Advisor: Mariangela Maguire Honors Thesis: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals: The Influence and Evolution of Animal Rights Rhetoric, directed by Leila Brammer Study Abroad: Ireland, January 2003 IES European Union (Freiburg, Germany), Fall 2004 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies and Theatre, «Ӱҵ, August 2011 present. Graduate School Fellow, Department of Communication Studies, University of Minnesota, August 2007 May 2008, June 2009 August 2009, June 2010 May 2011. Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Communication Studies, University of Minnesota, June 2008 May 2009, September 2009 May 2010. Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Speech Communication, University of Georgia, August 2005 May 2007. HONORS AND AWARDS Scholarship and Research 1) Nominated for the SDSU Sewrey Colloquium on Research, February 2015. 2) Nominated for the SDSU College of Arts and Sciences Hendrickson Scholar-Cheever Lecture Award, January 2015. 3) Graduate Student Scholarship Award, University of Minnesota, Department of Communication Studies, May 2011. 4) Gerard A. Hauser Graduate Scholarship for a top student paper at the 14th Rhetoric Society of America Biennial Conference, Minneapolis, MN, May 28-31, 2010. 5) Graduate School Fellowship recipient, University of Minnesota, two-year competitive recruitment fellowship for 2007-2008 and 2010-2011. 6) Phi Kappa Phi: inducted at the University of Georgia, Spring 2007. 7) Top Paper Runner-Up in the Student Section Top Paper Panel at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association, San Antonio, TX, November 16-19, 2006. 8) Graduate School Assistantship recipient, University of Georgia, two-year competitive recruitment fellowship for 2005-2006 and 2006-2007. Teaching and Advising 1) Recognized as a SDSU Honors College faculty mentor, May 2016. 2) Earned Basic Level of Online Instructor Certification, SDSU Instructional Design Services, May 2016. Service 1) Recognized for exemplary service as chapter advisor for Lambda Pi Eta, from the SDSU Alpha Alpha Pi chapter, April 2016. 2) Nominated for a SDSU Woman of Distinction Award Faculty, February 2016. Travel Funding 1) Awarded travel money from the Provosts Academic and Scholarly Excellence Fund at «Ӱҵ for the National Communication Association (NCA) annual convention, awarded Fall 2015. Amount: $500. 2) Awarded travel money from the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at «Ӱҵ for the NCA annual convention, awarded Fall 2015. Amount: $250. 3) Awarded travel money from the Provosts Academic and Scholarly Excellence Fund at «Ӱҵ for the NCA annual convention, awarded Fall 2013. Amount: $500. 4) Awarded travel money from the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at «Ӱҵ for the NCA annual convention, awarded Fall 2013. Amount: $250. 5) Awarded travel money from the Provosts Academic and Scholarly Excellence Fund at «Ӱҵ for the Rhetoric Society of America (RSA) Summer Institute, June 2013, awarded Fall 2012. Amount: $500. 6) Awarded travel money from the Provosts Academic and Scholarly Excellence Fund at «Ӱҵ for the Rhetoric in Society 4 conference, January 2013, awarded Fall 2012. Amount: $500. 7) Awarded travel money from the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at «Ӱҵ for the Rhetoric in Society 4 conference, January 2013, awarded Fall 2012. Amount: $250. 8) Awarded travel money from the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at «Ӱҵ for the RSA biennial convention, awarded Spring 2012. Amount: $500. 9) Awarded travel money from the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at «Ӱҵ for the NCA annual convention, awarded Fall 2011. Amount: $200. 10) Awarded travel money from the Provosts Academic and Scholarly Excellence Fund at «Ӱҵ for the NCA annual convention, awarded Fall 2011. Amount: $500. PUBLICATIONS Peer Reviewed Journal Articles 1) Horstman, H. K., Anderson, J., & Kuehl, R. A. (accepted, 2016). Communicatively constructing the meaning of doulas within the U.S. master birth narrative: Doulas as liminal characters. Health Communication. 2) Kuehl, R. A., & Anderson, J. (2015). Designing public communication about doulas: Analyzing absence and presence in promoting a volunteer doula program. Communication Design Quarterly Review, 3(4), 75-84. doi:10.1145/2826972.2826979 3) Kuehl, R. A., Anderson, J., & Drury, S. A. M. (invited article, 2015). Civic engagement and public health issues: Community support for breastfeeding through rhetoric and health communication collaborations. Communication Quarterly, 63(5), 510-515. doi:10.1080/01463373.2015.1103598 4) Anderson, J., Kuehl, R. A., Drury, S. A. M., Tschetter, L., Schwaegerl, M., Hildreth, M., Lamp, J. (2015). Policies arent enough: The importance of interpersonal communication about workplace breastfeeding support. Journal of Human Lactation, 31(2), 260-266. doi:10.1177/0890334415570059 5) Kuehl, R. A., Westwick, J. N., & Hunter, K. M. (2014). Y R U NOT RESPONDING: Teaching effective email communication. Journal of the Communication, Speech, and Theatre Association of North Dakota, 27, 23-30. 6) Kuehl, R. A. (2012). The rhetorical presidency and "accountability" in education reform: Comparing the presidential rhetoric of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. Southern Communication Journal, 77(4), 329-348. doi:10.1080/1041794X.2012.678926 Peer Reviewed Book Chapters 1) Anderson, J., Kuehl, R. A., & Drury, S. A. M. (in press, 2016). Blending qualitative, quantitative, and rhetorical methods to engage citizens in public deliberation to improve workplace breastfeeding support. SAGE research methods cases. 2) Kuehl, R. A. (2014). Extending civic rhetoric: Valuing rhetorical dimensions of global citizenship in civic education. In C. Kock & L. S. Villadsen (Eds.), Contemporary rhetorical citizenship: Purposes, practices, and perspectives (pp. 291-308). Leiden, the Netherlands: Leiden University Press. 3) Kuehl, R. A. (2011). Toward a feminist rhetorical theory of global citizenship: (Re)contextualizing social rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In A. de Velasco & M. Lehn (Eds.), Rhetoric: Concord and controversy (pp. 167-180). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press. 4) Kuehl, R. A. (2010). Oprah and Obama: Theorizing celebrity endorsement in U.S. politics. In H. E. Harris, K. R. Moffitt, & C. R. Squires (Eds.), The Obama effect: Multidisciplinary renderings of the 2008 campaign (pp. 175-189). Albany: SUNY Press. Invited Book Reviews 1) Kuehl, R. A. (2013). Review of Spectacular rhetorics: Human rights visions, recognitions, feminisms, by W. S. Hesford. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 16(1), 209-212. 2) Kuehl, R. A. (2012). Review of The Reagan rhetoric: History and memory in 1980s America, by T. G. Bates. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 42(2), 406-407. 3) Kuehl, R. A. (2007). Reprinted review of Governing codes: Gender, metaphor, and political identity, by K. V. Anderson & K. H. Sheeler. Women and Language, 30(2), 46-47. 4) Kuehl, R. A. (2006). Review of Governing codes: Gender, metaphor, and political identity, by K. V. Anderson & K. H. Sheeler. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 92(3), 324-327. Reference Entries 1) Kuehl, R. A. (2011). United Nations Development Fund for Women. In M. Z. Stange, C. K. Oyster & J. E. Sloan (Eds.), The multimedia encyclopedia of women in today's world (pp. 1496-1497): Sage Publications, Inc. 2) Kuehl, R. A. (2008). Fireside chats. In L. L. Kaid & C. Holtz-Bacha (Eds.), The encyclopedia of political communication (pp. 243-244): Sage Publications, Inc. 3) Kuehl, R. A. (2008). Hubert H. Humphrey (1911-1978). In L. L. Kaid & C. Holtz-Bacha (Eds.), The encyclopedia of political communication (pp. 314-315): Sage Publications, Inc. Translational Research Reports 1) Drury, S. A. M., Kuehl, R. A., & Anderson, J. (2015). Community conversation report and executive summary. Brookings, SD: «Ӱҵ. It was disseminated to the community via a community meeting funded by the Community Innovation grant from the Bush Foundation. 2) Kuehl, R. A., Anderson, J., & Drury, S. A. M. (2014). Community conversation guide. Brookings, SD: «Ӱҵ. It was disseminated to the community via a public deliberation event funded by the Community Innovation grant from the Bush Foundation. 3) Anderson, J., Kuehl, R. A., Hungerford, H., & Kang, S. (2013). Evaluation of the volunteer doula program at BHS: A research partnership between «Ӱҵ & Brookings Health System. Brookings, SD: «Ӱҵ. It was disseminated through three presentations to: 1) female faculty, community women, and nursing students through a Womens Studies brown bag luncheon; 2) nursing faculty and administrators affiliated with the Rural Health Research Center at SDSU; and 3) nurses, doulas, and physicians affiliated with Brookings Health System. Under Review 1) Anderson, J., Kuehl, R. A., & Drury, S. A. M. (abstract accepted for special issue, article under review). Brookings Supports Breastfeeding: Using public deliberation as a community-engaged approach to dissemination of research. Translational Behavioral Medicine. 2) Drury, S. A. M., Kuehl, R. A., & Anderson, J. (chapter accepted, book manuscript under review). Deliberation as civic education: Incorporating public deliberation into communication studies curricula. In J. M. Hogan (Ed.), Speech and debate as civic education. 3) Kuehl, R. A., Drury, S. A. M., & Anderson, J. (book chapter proposal accepted, full chapter due December 30, 2016). Enacting rhetorical health citizenship through rhetorical agency, public deliberation, and health citizenship. In L. Meloncon, S. Graham, J. Johnson, J. Lynch, & C. Ryan (Eds.), The rhetoric of health and medicine as/is: Theories and concepts for an emerging field. 4) Kuehl, R. A., & Hungerford, H. (under review). Global citizenship in Intercultural Communication: Spatial awareness of globalization through Map Your Closet. Communication Teacher. 5) Jantzer, A. M., Anderson, J., & Kuehl, R. A. (under review). Pumping up breastfeeding support in the workplace: Perceptions of breastfeeding support and linkages to the work-life interface. Journal of Human Lactation. GRANTS 1) Kuehl, R. A. (PI), & Anderson, J. (2016). Evaluation of breastfeeding-friendly business policies in Brookings. Research/Scholarship Support Fund internal grant for $7,500 (not funded). 2) Kuehl, R. A. (PI), & Anderson, J. (2015). Women in human trafficking. Received funding for a one-time enrichment event in Fall 2016. Women & Giving internal grant, December 2015-December 2016, awarded $1,500. 3) Kuehl, R. A. (PI), Anderson, J., & Jantzer, A. M. (2013). The business of breastfeeding: Current breastfeeding practices in Brookings workplaces. Women & Giving internal grant for $2,000 (not funded). 4) Anderson, J. (co-PI), Kuehl, R. A. (co-PI), Tschetter, L., Schwaegerl, M., Yoder, J., Gullickson, H., Drury, S., Hildreth, M., & Bachman, C. (2013). Baby-friendly Brookings: Creating community conversations about public breastfeeding. Bush Foundation Community Innovation external grant, November 2013-June 2015, awarded $73,721. 5) Anderson, J. (PI), Hungerford, H., Kang, S.W., Kuehl, R. A., Schwaegerl, M., Delbridge, E., & Yoder, J. (2012). Birthing opportunities: Experiences of SDSU nursing students and community women as volunteer doulas at Brookings Health System. Women & Giving internal grant, December 2012-December 2013, awarded $2,000. 6) Anderson, J. (PI), Hungerford, H., Kang, S.W., Kuehl, R. A., Schwaegerl, M., Delbridge, E., & Yoder, J. (2012). Rural mothers experiences with the innovative doula program at Brookings Health System. Rural Health Research Center internal grant, December 2012-December 2013, awarded $2,500. 7) Kuehl, R. A. (PI). (2011). Toward a feminist rhetorical theory of global citizenship book project. National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend external grant, selected as one of two SDSU nominees (not funded). MENTORSHIP OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH Student Awards Schultz-Werth Award for outstanding undergraduate scholarly achievement Coburn, H. (2014). A rhetorical criticism of Hillary Clintons Geneva address to the United Nations: Free and equal in dignity and rights. Top Poster Award for the Department of Communication Studies & Theatre at URSCAD (Undergraduate Scholarly & Creative Activity Day) at SDSU Stiles, M. (2016). A rhetorical criticism of Farmland. Poster presented at URSCAD at SDSU. Brookings, SD. Malterud, A. (2014). A rhetorical criticism of The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Poster presented at URSCAD at SDSU. Brookings, SD. Student Publication Coburn, H. (2014). A rhetorical criticism of Hillary Clintons Geneva address to the United Nations: Free and equal in dignity and rights. Lambda Pi Eta Undergraduate Journal, 2, 5-17. Student National Presentation Stiles, M. (2016). A rhetorical criticism of Farmland. Accepted for presentation at the 102nd Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association in Philadelphia, PA. Student Regional Presentations at the University of St. Thomas Undergraduate Communication Research Conference (UCRC) Brandt, S. (2016). Rhetorical criticism: President William Clintons 1995 human radiation apology. Presented at the 25th Annual UCRC at the University of St. Thomas. St. Paul, MN. Dickerson, D. (2016). The case for reformation of liberal arts education. Presented at the 25th Annual UCRC at the University of St. Thomas. St. Paul, MN. Laurent, E. (2016). A rhetorical criticism of Short Term 12. Presented at the 25th Annual UCRC at the University of St. Thomas. St. Paul, MN. Maxwell, M. (2016). Rhetorical criticism of 12 Angry Men Inside Amy Schumer. Presented at the 25th Annual UCRC at the University of St. Thomas. St. Paul, MN. Stier, D. (2016). Rapping up a social movement: A rhetorical criticism of N.W.A.s song, F*** tha Police. Presented at the 25th Annual UCRC at the University of St. Thomas. St. Paul, MN. Stiles, M. (2016). Rhetorical criticism of Farmland. Presented at the 25th Annual UCRC at the University of St. Thomas. St. Paul, MN. Coburn, H. (2014). A rhetorical criticism of Hillary Clintons Geneva address to the United Nations: Free and equal in dignity and rights. Presented at the 23rd Annual UCRC at the University of St. Thomas. St. Paul, MN. Kaufman, J. (2014). A rhetorical criticism of Patrick Henrys Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death speech. Presented at the 23rd Annual UCRC at the University of St. Thomas. St. Paul, MN. Malterud, A. (2014). A rhetorical criticism of The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Presented at the 23rd Annual UCRC at the University of St. Thomas. St. Paul, MN. McCaughey, K. (2014). Analyzing integration rhetoric in Remember the Titans. Presented at the 23rd Annual UCRC at the University of St. Thomas. St. Paul, MN. Bailey, N. (2012) An analysis of Collapse. Presented at the 21st Annual UCRC at the University of St. Thomas. Minneapolis, MN. Hieb, L. (2012). Rhetorical criticism of The Help. Presented at the 21st Annual UCRC at the University of St. Thomas. Minneapolis, MN. Student Campus Presentations at URSCAD (Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activity Day) Stiles, M. (2016). A rhetorical criticism of Farmland. Poster presented at URSCAD at SDSU. Brookings, SD. Malterud, A. (2014). A rhetorical criticism of The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Poster presented at URSCAD at SDSU. Brookings, SD. McCaughey, K. (2014). Analyzing integration rhetoric in Remember the Titans. Poster presented at URSCAD at SDSU. Brookings, SD. GRADUATE COURSES TAUGHT «Ӱҵ SPCM 516 Rhetorical Criticism, Department of Communication Studies and Theatre, Fall 2011, 2013, 2015. SPCM 592 Topics: Pop Culture & Communication, Department of Communication Studies and Theatre, Spring 2017. SPCM 701 Intro to Graduate Studies, Department of Communication Studies and Theatre, Fall 2012, 2014. SPCM 791 Independent Study: Rhetorical Citizenship, Department of Communication Studies and Theatre, Spring 2012. UNDERGRADUATE COURSES TAUGHT «Ӱҵ SPCM 101 Fundamentals of Speech Communication, Department of Communication Studies and Theatre, Fall 2011, 2013, Spring 2013, 2015. SPCM 215 Public Speaking, Department of Communication Studies and Theatre, Fall 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015; Spring 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017. SPCM 222 Argumentation and Debate, Department of Communication Studies and Theatre, Fall 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016; Spring 2017. SPCM 416 Rhetorical Criticism, Department of Communication Studies and Theatre, Fall 2011, 2013, 2015. SPCM 470 Intercultural Communication, Department of Communication Studies and Theatre, Spring 2012, 2016; Fall 2016 (Honors section). SPCM 470/GEOG 470 Intercultural Communication, Departments of Communication Studies and Theatre and Geography, Spring 2014. SPCM 492 Topics: Pop Culture & Communication, Department of Communication Studies and Theatre, Spring 2017. University of Minnesota COMM 1100 Public Speaking, Department of Communication Studies, Summer 2008, Fall 2008 and Spring 2009. COMM 1313W Analysis of Argument, Department of Communication Studies, Fall 2009. COMM 3605W Persuasive Speaking and Speech Writing (hybrid Rhetorical Criticism and Public Speaking course), Department of Communication Studies, Spring 2010. Teaching Assistant for Dr. Arthur E. Walzer, COMM 1681Rhetorical Fictions, Department of Communication Studies, Fall 2008 and Spring 2009. Graded revised student essays, attended class, and assisted students with writing. Teaching Assistant for Dr. Susanne Jones, COMM 3409Nonverbal Communication, Department of Communication Studies, Spring 2010. Lectured twice, graded half of all student essays, attended class, and assisted students with writing. Teaching Assistant for Dr. Karlyn Kohrs Campbell, COMM 4602WContemporary Political Persuasion, Department of Communication Studies, Fall 2009. Taught twice, graded half of all student essays, attended class, and assisted students with writing. University of Georgia Teaching Assistant for Dr. Kevin M. DeLuca, SPCM 3310Environmental Communication, Department of Speech Communication, Fall 2005. Graded rhetorical book reviews, research papers, and taught one, one-hour class session about PETAs rhetorical strategies. COMPETITIVE PAPER PRESENTATIONS 1) Drury, S. A. M., Kuehl, R. A., & Anderson, J. (2016, November). Advocacy within the cycle of deliberative inquiry. Paper accepted for presentation at the 102nd Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association (NCA), Philadelphia, PA. 2) Horstman, H. K., Anderson, J., & Kuehl, R. A. (2016, November). Making sense of the role of a doula in childbirth: Implications for the U.S. master birth narrative. Paper accepted for presentation at the 102nd Annual Meeting of the NCA, Philadelphia, PA. 3) Kuehl, R. A., & Anderson, J. (2016, May). Changing representations of doulas: Evaluating a volunteer doula program through feminist standpoint theory. Paper presented at the 17th Rhetoric Society of America (RSA) Biennial Conference, Atlanta, GA. 4) Jantzer, A. M., Anderson, J., & Kuehl, R. A. (2016, March). Pumping up breastfeeding support in the workplace: Perceptions of breastfeeding support and linkages to the work-life interface. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Women in Psychology, Pittsburgh, PA. 5) Anderson, J., Kuehl, R. A., Drury, S. A. M., Tschetter, L., Schwaegerl, M., Hildreth, M., Bachman, C., Gullickson, H., Yoder, J., & Lamp, J. (2015, April). Communicating support for breastfeeding women in the workplace. Paper presented at the Women & Gender conference, Vermillion, SD. 6) Drury, S. A. M. & Kuehl, R. A. (2015, March). Deliberation as civic education: Incorporating public deliberation into Speech curricula. Paper presented at the Speech and Debate as Civic Education conference, State College, PA. 7) Kuehl, R. A. & Landau, J. (2014, November). Cultivating emotional rhetorical citizens: Three cups of...care, compassion, and sympathy entrepreneurs. Paper presented at the 100th Annual Meeting of the NCA, Chicago, IL. 8) Anderson, J. & Kuehl, R. A. (2014, November). Social support for birthing mothers: Evaluation of a volunteer doula program at a rural hospital. Paper presented at the 100th Annual Meeting of the NCA, Chicago, IL. 9) Kuehl, R. A. (2013, November). From recognition to relationships: Making connections between global citizenship and rhetorical theories of human rights. Paper presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the NCA, Washington, D.C. 10) Kuehl, R. A., Hunter, K. L., & Westwick, J. (2013, November). Y R U NOT RESPONDING: Teaching effective email communication. G.I.F.T. presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the NCA, Washington, D.C. 11) Kuehl, R. A., & Hungerford, H. (2013, November). Engaging global citizenship in the Intercultural Communication classroom. Paper presented at the 99th Annual Meeting of the NCA, Washington, D.C. 12) Kuehl, R. A. (2013, January). Redefining civic rhetoric: Toward a feminist rhetorical theory of global citizenship. Paper presented at Rhetoric in Society 4, at the University of Copenhagen in Copenhagen, Denmark. 13) Kuehl, R. A. (2012, May). The Afghan Institute of Learning and Creating Hope International: Blending private and public sphere distinctions in global citizenship. Paper presented at the 15th RSA Biennial Conference, Philadelphia, PA. 14) Kuehl, R. A. (2011, November). Civic voices around the world: Global citizenship from a feminist rhetorical perspective. Paper presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of the NCA, New Orleans, LA. 15) Hoffman, J., & Kuehl, R. A. (2010, November). Rhetoric as (epistemic) ontological: Toward a moral theory of responsibility. Paper presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the NCA, San Francisco, CA. 16) Kuehl, R. A. (2010, May). (Re)contextualizing social rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Toward a feminist theory of global citizenship. Paper presented at the 14th RSA Biennial Conference, Minneapolis, MN. 17) Kuehl, R. A. (2009, November). No Child Left Behind, the Republican Party, and rhetoric of accountability: Managing the Republican contradiction in education. Paper presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the NCA, Chicago, IL. 18) Kuehl, R. A. (2009, November). Oprah and Obama: Theorizing race and celebrity endorsement in U.S. politics. Paper presented at the 95th Annual Meeting of the NCA, Chicago, IL. 19) Kuehl, R. A. (2008, November). Meta-ritual and public memory: Theorizing official culture and political ritual in 2008 presidential candidates autobiographies. Paper presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the NCA, San Diego, CA. 20) Kuehl, R. A. (2008, October). Oprah and Obama: Theorizing celebrity endorsement in U.S. Politics. Paper presented at The Obama Effect conference, Minneapolis, MN. 21) Kuehl, R. A. (2008, October). The Great Minnesota Get-Together: A rhetorical citizenship approach to democratic theory. Paper presented at the International Conference on Rhetorical Citizenship and Public Deliberation, Copenhagen, Denmark. 22) Kuehl, R. A. (2008, May). Bonos keynote address at the 2006 National Prayer Breakfast. Paper presented at the 13th RSA Biennial Conference, Seattle, WA. 23) Kuehl, R. A. (2007, November). Wimps, Wusses, and Girlie-Men: The Democratic Party as feminized other in post 9/11 politics. Paper presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the NCA, Chicago, IL. 24) Kuehl, R. A. (2007, November). The Great Minnesota Get-Together: A rhetorical approach to democratic theory. Paper presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the NCA, Chicago, IL. 25) Kuehl, R. A. (2007, June). Society for Women and AIDS in Africa: NGOs role as a transnational public within the global development debate. Paper presented at the NCA Summer Conference, Bangor, ME. 26) Kuehl, R. A. (2006, November). Rural America: A context for combining Legitimate Peripheral Participation and Expectancy Violations Theories. Paper presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the NCA, San Antonio, TX. 27) Kuehl, R. A. (2006, November). Environmentalism within postplace America: Capitalism, technology, and the loss of place in landscape. Paper presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the NCA, San Antonio, TX. 28) Kuehl, R. A. (2006, June). Postplace America: Capitalism, technology, and the loss of place in landscape. Paper presented at the 7th Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association, Boston, MA. NON-COMPETITIVE CONFERENCE PAPER PRESENTATIONS 1) Kuehl, R. A., & Anderson, J. (2015, September). Public deliberation and civic education. Paper presented at the Speech Communication Association of South Dakota Annual Convention (SCASD), Sioux Falls, SD. 2) Anderson, J. & Kuehl, R. A. (2014, September). Social support for birthing mothers: Evaluation of a volunteer doula program at a rural hospital. Paper presented at the SCASD Annual Convention, Spearfish, SD. 3) Kuehl, R. A. (2012, September). Redefining civic rhetoric: Valuing global citizenship in civic education. Paper presented at the SCASD Annual Convention, Flandreau, SD. 4) Kuehl, R. A. (2011, September). Toward a feminist theory of global citizenship: (Re)contextualizing social rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Paper presented at the SCASD Annual Convention, Huron, SD. GUEST OR INVITED LECTURES Kuehl, R. A., & Schwaegerl, M. (2016, October). Enhancing community breastfeeding support: Experiences with the Baby-Friendly Hospital and Breastfeeding-Friendly Business Initiatives in Brookings, SD. Invited co-presentation for The Nutrition and Physical Activity Program for the Healthy SD Stakeholders Annual Meeting in Chamberlain, SD. Yoder, J., Tschetter, L., Kuehl, R. A., & Anderson, J. (2014, March). Brookings Supports Breastfeeding project: Initial results. Coordinated the invited presentation at the Womens Studies Brown Bag event at «Ӱҵ. Kuehl, R. A. (2010). Invited Lecturer for Kasi Williamson, COMM 1101Public Speaking. I taught a one-hour class about global citizenship and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to undergraduates. Kuehl, R. A., & Hoffman, J. (2010). Wednesday Noon Research (colloquium) co-authored presentation, Teaching undergraduate writing and critical thinking in rhetorical criticism: Lessons from the NCA Summer Conference on Critical Pedagogy, University of Minnesota. Kuehl, R. A. (2010). Invited Lecturer for Jessica Prody, COMM 3625Communication Ethics. I taught two, 50-minute classes about cosmopolitanism and global citizenship to undergraduates. Kuehl, R. A. (2009). Invited Lecturer for Dr. Karlyn Kohrs Campbell, COMM 4602WContemporary Political Persuasion. I taught two, 75-minute classes about education policy and rhetoric to undergraduates. Kuehl, R. A. (2009). Wednesday Noon Research (colloquium) panel presentation, No Child Left Behind, the Republican Party, and rhetoric of accountability: Managing the Republican contradiction in education, University of Minnesota. Kuehl, R. A. (2008). Wednesday Noon Research (colloquium) individual presentation, The Great Minnesota Get-Together: A rhetorical citizenship approach to democratic theory, University of Minnesota. Kuehl, R. A. (2007). Colloquium individual presentation, Rhetoric as an experiential primer for agency: Political revival at a rock concert, University of Georgia. Kuehl, R. A. (2006). Invited Lecturer for Dr. Vanessa B. Beasley, SPCM 4320 Political Communication. I taught one, 75-minute class about celebrity politics to undergraduates at the University of Georgia. SCHOLARLY AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS AND PANELS 1) Anderson, J., & Kuehl, R. A. (2016, November). Health in the public square. Panel (participant) accepted for presentation at the 102nd Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association (NCA), Philadelphia, PA. 2) Anderson, J., & Kuehl, R. A. (2016, November). Lactivism: Communications civic calling to promote and support breastfeeding in Philadelphia and beyond. Panel (participant) accepted for presentation at the 102nd Annual Meeting of the NCA, Philadelphia, PA. 3) Kuehl, R. A. (2016, May). Changing roles of female faculty. Panel co-organizer and participant at the 17th Rhetoric Society of America Biennial Conference, Atlanta, GA. 4) Anderson, J., Kuehl, R. A., & Drury, S. A. M. (2015, November). Embracing the opportunities of collaborative community-based research (without losing yourself in the process). Competitively-selected pre-conference (co-organizer and co-leader) at the 101st Annual Meeting of the NCA, Las Vegas, NV. 5) Kuehl, R. A., Drury, S. A. M., & Anderson, J. (2015, November). Securing extramural research funding: Challenges and opportunities for communication scholars. Competitively-selected panel (participant) for the Opportunities Regarding Research special division at the 101st Annual Meeting of the NCA, Las Vegas, NV. 6) Drury, S. A. M., Kuehl, R. A., & Anderson, J. (2015, November). Short course in public dialogue and deliberation: An invitation to integrate our teaching, research, service, and professional networks. Invited short course participant for the Research Programs & Grants segment at the 101st Annual Meeting of the NCA, Las Vegas, NV. 7) Anderson, J., Kuehl, R. A., Hungerford, H., Kang, S., Yoder, J., Schwaegerl, M., & Delbridge, E. (2014, October). Volunteer doulas as non-medical members of the labor and delivery healthcare team. Abstract accepted for oral presentation at the American Academy on Communication in Healthcare Research & Teaching Forum, Orlando, FL. 8) Kuehl, R. A. (2014, April). Health communication interest group spotlight panel. Panel participant at the Central States Communication Association Annual Convention, Minneapolis, MN. 9) Kuehl, R. A. (2013, November). Writing groups: A strategy for collaboration and connections within communication and across the academy. Panel participant at the 99th Annual Meeting of the NCA, Washington, D. C. 10) Kuehl, R. A. (2013, June). Rethinking the relationship between rhetoric and democracy. Workshop participant at the 5th Biennial RSA Summer Institutes, Lawrence, KS. 11) Kuehl, R. A., & Hunter, K. L. (2012, October). Teaching channel-appropriate communication skills through sample emails. GIFT presented at the Food and Faculty Showcase, Teaching Learning Center, «Ӱҵ. 12) Kuehl, R. A. (2012, May). Reluctance to rhetorical interventions? Panel participant at the 15th RSA Biennial Conference, Philadelphia, PA. 13) Kuehl, R. A. (2011, November). Global voices and womens human rights: Gender, culture, and rhetorical possibilities for women leaders. Panel organizer and chair at the 97th Annual Meeting of the NCA, New Orleans, LA. 14) Kuehl, R. A. (2011, November). The Obama effect: Emergent and divergent voices since the 2008 campaign. Panel participant at the 97th Annual Meeting of the NCA, New Orleans, LA. 15) Kuehl, R. A. (2010, July). Participant at the NCA Summer Conference Teaching Rhetorical Criticism and Critical Inquiry, hosted by NCA, the University of Texas at Austin, and the University of Puget Sound at the University of Puget Sound. 16) Kuehl, R. A. (2010, January). Participant at the Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) retreat, hosted by the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Minnesota. 17) Kuehl, R. A. (2009, November). Women's mentoring relationships and the future of Communication Studies. Chair and panel organizer at the 95th Annual Meeting of the NCA, Chicago, IL. 18) Kuehl, R. A. (2009, February). Participant at the Southern Colloquium on Rhetoric series on Rhetoric and Affect, hosted by the Department of Speech Communication at the University of Georgia. 19) Kuehl, R. A. (2009, January). Spinoza and the democratization of knowledge: The Minnesota State Fair and mobilizing the multitude. Paper presented at the Midwest Winter Workshop, Minneapolis, MN. 20) Kuehl, R. A. (2006, October). Participant at the 10th Biennial Public Address Conference, Arts of Praise and Blame: Characters of Public Address, hosted by the Department of Communication Studies at Vanderbilt University. SERVICE Professional Service as a peer reviewer, chair, or respondent for conferences: Peer reviewer of paper and panel submissions, Public Address Division and Public Deliberation and Dialogue Division, for the 102nd Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association (NCA), Philadelphia, PA, November 2016. Peer reviewer of paper and panel submissions, Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division, Public Address Division, Argumentation & Forensics Division, and Feminist and Womens Studies Division, for the 101st Annual Meeting of the NCA, Las Vegas, NV, November 2015. Peer reviewer of paper and panel submissions, Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division, Public Address Division, and Feminist and Womens Studies Division, for the 100th Annual Meeting of the NCA, Chicago, IL, November 2014. Peer reviewer of paper and panel submissions, Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division, for the 99th Annual Meeting of the NCA, Washington, D.C., November 2013. Peer reviewer of paper and panel submissions, Public Address Division and Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division, for the 98th Annual Meeting of the NCA, Orlando, FL, November 2012. Respondent, Civic Rhetoric Seminar, 97th Annual Meeting of the NCA, New Orleans, LA, November 2011. Peer reviewer of paper and panel submissions, Public Address Division and Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division, for the 97th Annual Meeting of the NCA, New Orleans, LA, November 2011. Peer reviewer of paper and panel submissions, Public Address Division and Feminist and Womens Studies Division, for the 96th Annual Meeting of the NCA, San Francisco, CA, November 2010. Student representative, Feminist and Womens Studies Division, at the 95th Annual Meeting of the NCA, Chicago, IL, November 2009. Peer reviewer of paper and panel submissions, Political Communication Division and Feminist and Womens Studies Division, for the 95th Annual Meeting of the NCA, Chicago, IL, November 2009. Student representative, Feminist and Womens Studies Division, at the 94th Annual Meeting of the NCA, San Diego, CA, November 2008. Chair, Communicating About Race. Panel presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the NCA, San Diego, CA, November 2008. Peer reviewer of paper and panel submissions, Political Communication Division and Feminist and Womens Studies Division, for the 94th Annual Meeting of the NCA, San Diego, CA, November 2008. Chair, Carrie Bradshaw Meets Girl Wrestlers. Panel presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the NCA, Chicago, IL, November 15-18, 2007. Peer reviewer of paper and panel submissions, Political Communication Division and Feminist and Womens Studies Division, for the 93rd Annual Meeting of the NCA, Chicago, IL, November 2007. Service as an editorial board member and journal reviewer: 1) Editorial advisory board member and reviewer for manuscripts submitted to Discourse: The Journal of the Speech Communication Association of South Dakota, 2015 present. 2) Editorial board member (associate editor) and reviewer for manuscripts submitted to Communication and Theatre Association of Minnesota Journal, 2015 present. 3) Ad hoc reviewer for manuscripts submitted to Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 2016 present. 4) Ad hoc reviewer for manuscripts submitted to the American Communication Journal, 2014 present. 5) Editorial review board member and faculty reviewer for undergraduate honors manuscripts submitted to Lambda Pi Eta Undergraduate Journal, 2014 2015. 6) Ad hoc reviewer for manuscripts submitted to the Iowa Journal of Communication, 2012 2013. 7) Ad hoc reviewer for manuscript in a special issue on women and media in the Middle East, Feminist Media Studies, 2014. 8) Executive Committee Member: Speech Communication Association of South Dakota. University 1) Committee member on the Provosts Classroom Enhancement Initiative committee, Spring 2015. 2) Invited presenter at a Graduate Teaching Assistant Workshop, Whats next? Life in the academy after graduate school, Teaching Learning Center, Spring 2014. 3) Invited presenter at New Faculty Orientation, Second- and third-year faculty panel, Teaching Learning Center, Fall 2013. 4) Invited presenter at a Graduate Teaching Assistant Workshop, Teaching assistant to faculty transition, Teaching Learning Center, Spring 2013. 5) Invited presenter at New Faculty Orientation, First-year faculty panel, Teaching Learning Center, Fall 2012. 6) Invited presenter at a Graduate Teaching Assistant Workshop, First-year faculty panel: Whats next? Teaching Learning Center, Spring 2012. College 1) College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Council member, «Ӱҵ, August 2016 present. 2) Executive committee taskforce member for the School of Journalism and Communication Studies, January 2015 present. 3) Womens and Gender Studies Advisory Committee member, «Ӱҵ, Fall 2011 present. 4) Faculty partner, Gold Carpet Fridays (sponsored two classroom visits for prospective students of the class of 2014); College of Liberal Arts Office of Undergraduate Programs and College of Liberal Arts Student Services at the University of Minnesota, Spring 2010. 5) Participant, UGA Safe Space training (resource for GLBT students at the University of Georgia), Fall 2006; SDSU Safe Space resource, 2012 present. Thesis and Dissertation Committees Supervision of graduate student theses: 1) Erin Lionberger, M.S. expected 2017, The Syrian Refugee Crisis: A Rhetorical Analysis of President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trumps Political Discourses about Syrian Refugees (major advisor). 2) Jessica Peterson, M.S. expected 2017, Funny in a Mans World: Women Comedians, Political Satire, and the White House Correspondents Dinner (major advisor). 3) Vanessa Condon, M.S. 2015, Cliteracy and Justice for All: A Critical Rhetorical Analysis of Sophia Wallaces Cliteracy Campaign (major advisor), now an instructor at Clemson University. 4) Sarah Walker, M.S. 2013, Christs Love in Comic Form: A Queer and Visual Rhetorical Criticism of Chick Tracts (major advisor), now a Ph.D. student at Wayne State University. Membership on graduate student examining committees: 1) Roxann Hackbarth, DNP expected 2017 (graduate faculty representative) 2) Chithra Sreenivasan, Ph.D. expected 2017 (graduate faculty representative). 3) Andie Malterud, M.S. expected 2017 (committee member) 4) Ali Alruwaili, M.S. 2016 (graduate faculty representative) 5) Lance Weatherly, M.S. 2016 (graduate faculty representative) 6) Hannah Bowman, M.S. 2014 (committee member). 7) Jade Metzger, M.S. 2013 (committee member). 8) Angela Beyerl, M.S. 2013 (graduate faculty representative). 9) Kari Eliason, M.S. 2012 (committee member). Department 1) Website Content Manager, Communication Studies content, Department of Communication Studies & Theatre, «Ӱҵ, January 2016 present. 2) Graduate Program Coordinator, M.S. in Communication Studies, «Ӱҵ, January 2015 present. 3) Library Acquisitions Co-Representative, H. M. Briggs Library, «Ӱҵ, Fall 2012 present. 4) Volunteer Forensics (Speech and Debate) Judge, «Ӱҵ, 2011 present. 5) Member, Department of Communication Studies and Theatre Communication Studies minor revision committee, «Ӱҵ, Fall 2015. 6) Advisor, Lambda Pi Eta Communication Studies honorary organization; established Lambda Pi Eta, Alpha Alpha Pi chapter at «Ӱҵ, October 2011 December 2014. 7) Member, Department of Communication Studies and Theatre strategic plan revision committee, «Ӱҵ, Fall 2012-Spring 2013. 8) Search committee member for the Director of Forensics search in the Department of Communication Studies and Theatre, «Ӱҵ, Spring 2012. 9) Search committee member for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Health Communication search in the Department of Communication Studies and Theatre, «Ӱҵ, Fall 2011-Spring 2012. 10) Chair, Department of Communication Studies and Theatre faculty standards revision committee, «Ӱҵ, Fall 2011. 11) Search committee member and graduate student representative for a tenure-track post-doctoral fellowship/Assistant Professor search in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Minnesota, Fall 2010. 12) Representative, UMN Undergraduate Awards Committee (Fall 2009 Spring 2010, Fall 2010 Spring 2011) 13) Representative, UMN Wednesday Noon Research Committee (Fall 2009 Spring 2010) 14) Representative, UMN SpeCom (graduate student representative to the faculty, Fall 2008 Spring 2009) 15) Member, UMN Commies Graduate Student Organization (Fall 2007 Spring 2011) 16) Member, UGA Speech Communication Graduate Forum (Fall 2005 Spring 2007, served as Vice President Fall 2006 Spring 2007) Community 1) Volunteer collaborator and leader on the implementation team as part of the Brookings Supports Breastfeeding (BSB) team. This was a collaboration with the South Dakota Department of Health for the Breastfeeding-Friendly Business Initiative, for the pilot community of Brookings, SD, 2015 present. Overall, I volunteered approximately 200 hours for the initiative, which included offering my time and expertise at every stage of the process, including conceptualization and development, implementation, and analysis and reporting. a) Conceptualization and development: Through attending many bi-monthly and monthly meetings from 2015-2016, I volunteered my time and expertise in contributing to conceptualizing the South Dakota Breastfeeding-Friendly Business Initiative. My contributions to the conceptualization and development efforts included the following: Co-writing the initial draft of the breastfeeding-friendly business pledge for supporting breastfeeding customers and employees; Co-developing a training guide for current and future canvassing volunteers associated with the initiative; Reviewing all materials associated with the initiative, including training guides for employers, the federal law on breastfeeding fact sheet, benefits to businesses, etc.; and Providing an independent study SPCM student, Mr. Jordan Bierbrauer, as a research assistant who compiled the list of targeted businesses, including information about business representatives and addresses. This information was used for the Brookings Area Chamber of Commerce to send out informative postcard mailings about the upcoming initiative and to inform them of our students upcoming canvassing efforts. b) Implementation: Once the collaborative team had decided upon the content and development of materials associated with the initiative, I co-led the implementation team to roll out the initiative in the pilot community of Brookings. Alongside our students involvement in the initiative, the Students Association at SDSU sought out my expertise in assisting with the development of a student resolution in support of breastfeeding on campus. Leading up to the implementation, the initiative garnered a lot of media coverage in many regional and local outlets, such as Keloland TV, KSFY TV, South Dakota Public Radio, the Brookings Register, Brookings radio, the SDSU Collegian, etc. In addition to this media coverage, I co-presented with Dr. Anderson about the initiative at One Million Cups, a weekly community meeting with representatives from the business community in Brookings. Some of my volunteer efforts in the implementation phase included the following: Participating in an initial pledge signing event, including co-organizing with the Office of the President at SDSU to have university president Dr. David Chicoine sign the pledge on behalf of SDSU; Leading a training session for my students, which was recorded by the South Dakota Department of Health for future canvassing trainings; Leading the development of an advocacy speech outline for the canvassing; Co-developing a brief survey to assess business representatives knowledge about breastfeeding laws and employer policies; and Leading my SPCM 215: Public Speaking class in the community canvassing to different businesses to persuade them to sign the pledge to support breastfeeding customers and employees in Brookings. c) Analysis and reporting: Following the implementation, I contributed to the analysis and reporting of the initiative. Some of my volunteer efforts with this phase included the following: Analyzing my SPCM 215: Public Speaking students reflection papers about participating in the canvassing; and Assisting my colleague, Dr. Anderson, in the reporting of the canvassing to the South Dakota Department of Health, which included a 73.4% success rate with our students canvassing efforts. To date, over 100 businesses have taken the breastfeeding-friendly business pledge. The initiative is currently being implemented across the state of South Dakota. The updated list of breastfeeding-friendly businesses can be found at  HYPERLINK "http://healthySD.gov/breastfeeding" http://healthySD.gov/breastfeeding. I continue to be involved in efforts to implement the pledge at SDSU, including discussions with Facilities & Services, the Student Union, and Human Resources. In addition, businesses and community members continue to reach out to the BSB coalition for support and advice about breastfeeding support in the workplace. This demonstrates my leadership and service with the coalition, its impact in the community of Brookings, as well as promotes the land-grant mission of SDSU. 2) Brookings Supports Breastfeeding (BSB): Increasing community awareness presentations in preparation for the public deliberation event in November 2014 (outside the scope of our Bush Foundation Community Innovation grant) Kuehl, R. A. (2014, September). Brookings Kiwanis Anderson, J., & Kuehl, R. A. (2014, September) Brookings City Council Kuehl, R. A., & Anderson, J. (2014, August). Creating a Breastfeeding-Friendly Brookings. Presented at One Million Cups in Brookings. Anderson, J., & Kuehl, R. A. (2014, August). East Central Behavioral Health Kuehl, R. A., & Anderson, J. (2014, August). Brookings County WIC Office Anderson, J., & Kuehl, R. A. (2014, August). Boys & Girls Club of Brookings Kuehl, R. A., & Anderson, J. (2014, August). Womens Grace Connection 3) Unpaid consultant, Brookings Health System PR and messaging team under the supervision of PR and marketing director Julia Yoder, Brookings, SD, December 2013. 4) Presented on growing up in a rural community and the value of teaching at «Ӱҵ to the Trimont Area Service Klub (TASK), in Trimont, Minnesota, in August 2012 (including before and after media coverage of the presentation in the local newspaper, the Martin County Star). 5) Article on The Pathos Workshop blog, The Central Asia Institute, Three Cups of Tea, and Stones into Schools: Global Citizenship Built on Love and Trust. June 10, 2012. 6) Interview with Bethany Keeley-Jonker on the Think Christian blog, Dont throw Three Cups of Tea out with Greg Mortenson, May 3, 2011. See:  HYPERLINK "http://www.thinkchristian.net/index.php/2011/05/03/dont-throw-three-cups-of-tea-out-with-greg-mortenson/" http://www.thinkchristian.net/index.php/2011/05/03/dont-throw-three-cups-of-tea-out-with-greg-mortenson/ 7) Interview on celebrity endorsements, University of Minnesota National Media Relations. See  HYPERLINK "http://www1.umn.edu/urelate/national/experts/kuehl-celeb.php" http://www1.umn.edu/urelate/national/experts/kuehl-celeb.php 8) National radio interview on celebrity endorsements and politics, radio program Rural Route with Trent Loos and Kyle Bauer; August 6, 2008. Available as a podcast:  HYPERLINK "http://www.ruralrouteradio.com/podcasts.htm" http://www.ruralrouteradio.com/podcasts.htm 9) Interview on celebrity endorsements, The Post (Athens, OH); March 4, 2008. See:  HYPERLINK "http://www.thepost.ohiou.edu/main.asp?Search=1&ArticleID=23543&SectionID=17&SubSectionID=35&S=1" http://www.thepost.ohiou.edu/main.asp?Search=1&ArticleID=23543&SectionID=17&SubSectionID=35&S=1 10) Interview on celebrity endorsements, the Suffolk Journal (Boston, MA); February 13, 2008. 11) Interview on celebrity endorsements, University of Minnesota Moment; January 7, 2008. See:  HYPERLINK "http://blog.lib.umn.edu/urelate/radio/2008_01.html" http://blog.lib.umn.edu/urelate/radio/2008_01.html 12) Local radio interview on celebrity endorsements, WCCO radio program Mondale and Jones; aired live January 7, 2008. 13) Local television interview on celebrity endorsements with John Reger, WCCO television; aired live January 5, 2008. Titled: Do Celebrity Endorsements Make a Difference? See:  HYPERLINK "http://www.wcco.com/video/" http://www.wcco.com/video/ PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Member, Rhetoric Society of America (RSA) Member, National Communication Association (NCA) Member, Central States Communication Association (CSCA) Member and Executive Board Member, Speech Communication Association of South Dakota (SCASD) REFERENCES Vanessa B. Beasley, Associate Professor and Dean of The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons Department of Communication Studies Vanderbilt University Telephone: 615-343-8725 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:vanessa.b.beasley@vanderbilt.edu" vanessa.b.beasley@vanderbilt.edu Leila Brammer, Professor and Chair in Communication Studies; Professor in Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies; Director in the John S. Kendall Center Department of Communication Studies Gustavus Adolphus College Telephone: 507-933-6190 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:lbrammer@gustavus.edu" lbrammer@gustavus.edu Karlyn Kohrs Campbell, Professor Department of Communication Studies University of Minnesota Telephone: 612-624-9003 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:campb003@umn.edu" campb003@umn.edu Ronald Walter Greene, Professor and Chair Department of Communication Studies University of Minnesota Telephone: 612-624-2808 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:green179@umn.edu" green179@umn.edu Arthur E. Walzer, Professor Emeritus Department of Communication Studies University of Minnesota Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:awalzer@umn.edu" awalzer@umn.edu     Rebecca A. 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