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Roiger, EdD, ATC 507 Lovejoy Lane Aurora, SD 57002 Home: (605) 693-2023; Work: (605) 688-5824 E-mail: HYPERLINK "mailto:Trevor.Roiger@sdstate.edu"Trevor.Roiger@sdstate.edu  EDUCATION University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota Doctor of Education in Educational Administration May 2009 Dissertation Title: Undergraduate Athletic Training Education Program Directors Perceptions of the Nature of Coupling with Intercollegiate Athletic Departments University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota Master of Arts: Kinesiology, emphasis Sport Psychology July 1999 «Ӱҵ, Brookings, South Dakota Bachelor of Science: Athletic Training May 1997 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Program Director, Assistant Professor «Ӱҵ, Brookings, SD July 2009 Present Instructor/Assistant Athletic Trainer «Ӱҵ, Brookings, SD August 1999 June 2009 Athletic Trainer Institute for Athletic Medicine, Minneapolis, MN August 1997 June 1999 Graduate Assistant Certified Athletic Trainer, University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota September 1997 - June 1999 ADMINISTRATION 8/09 - Present Director Athletic Training Education. Responsible for administration and oversight of all aspects of the undergraduate and entry-level graduate Athletic Training programs including maintenance of on-going accreditation, program assessment, curriculum development and planning, and clinical education. Various budgetary and fiscal responsibilities including securing bids for capital asset items up to $10,000, payment processing related to therapeutic modality calibration and maintenance, and utilization of various accounts for ordering of education and health care supplies. Coordinate hiring for graduate research assistants that provide support for both the CAATE-accredited athletic training programs and high school outreach athletic training services. TEACHING and ADVISING Responsible for all aspects of undergraduate and graduate course design and implementation, including syllabus development, incorporation of innovative, learner-centered activities, use of diverse formative and summative assessment techniques (including case studies and annotated bibliographies), and inclusion of relevant technologies. Maintained consistently high teacher ratings based on student evaluations. Advisor for undergraduate and graduate athletic training students and graduate students in exercise science and sport and recreation studies. AT 164: Introduction to Athletic Training 8/99 - 2009 Introductory course designed to acquaint freshman and sophomore pre-Athletic Training majors with all aspects of the field of athletic training. AT 371/795: Clinical Experience I - Lower Extremity 8/99 - Present Clinical laboratory course designed to acquaint Athletic Training majors with techniques necessary to competently assess patients suffering from lower extremity musculoskeletal injury. AT 372/795: Clinical Experience II - Upper Extremity 8/99 - Present Clinical laboratory course designed to acquaint Athletic Training majors with techniques necessary to competently assess patients suffering from upper extremity musculoskeletal injury. AT 373/795: Clinical Experience III Rehabilitation 8/99 - 2009 Clinical laboratory course designed to acquaint Athletic Training majors with therapeutic exercise techniques used to assist injured athletes and physically active patients in returning to full functional activities. AT 454/554: Lower Extremity Injury Assessment 8/09 Present Course designed to acquaint Athletic Training majors with theoretical foundations of musculoskeletal injury examination for the foot, ankle, knee, hip, and thoracic and lumbar spine. AT 456/556: Upper Extremity Injury Assessment 01/10 Present Course designed to acquaint Athletic Training majors with theoretical foundations of musculoskeletal injury examination for the head and cervical spine, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand. AT 471/795: Fall Clinical Experience 8/99 - Present A course designed to teach and allow opportunities for the clinical application of physical examinations, fitting and maintenance of football equipment, monitoring and management of environmental conditions, stretching and conditioning, and the evaluation and care of acute athletic injuries. AT 474/574: Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries 8/99 - 2009 Course designed to acquaint Athletic Training majors with theoretical foundations of various therapeutic exercise techniques used in the rehabilitation of injuries sustained by athletes and other physically-active patients. AT 490/790: Seminar 8/99 - Present Capstone course for Athletic Training majors with a focus on current issues in the field of athletic training, and preparation for entrance into professional employment. TEACHING and ADVISING, contd HLTH 250: Pre-Professional First Aid 8/99 - 2009 Course designed to acquaint students with the signs, symptoms, and management of various injuries and illnesses; successful completion of this course leads to First Aid and Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation certification. PE 742: Psychological Aspects of Sport and Exercise 8/10 Present Psychological theories and principles applied to physical education, sport, and exercise. Interpretation and analysis of human behavior. Topics include personality, arousal and anxiety, motivation, cohesion, attentional focus, aggression, leadership, as well as intervention strategies. RESEARCH, SCHOLARSHIP, and CREATIVE ACTIVITY Publications Iadevaia C, Roiger TC, Zwart MB. Qualitative examination of adolescent health-related quality of life: One year post-concussion. J Athl Train. 2015;50(11):1182-1189. Roiger TC, Weidauer LA, Kern BT. A longitudinal pilot study of depressive symptomology in concussed and injured, non-concussed Division I student-athletes. J Athl Train. 2015;50(3):256-261. Roiger TC, Card KA. The nature of coupling with intercollegiate athletic departments: Undergraduate athletic training education program directors perceptions. Athl Train Educ J. 2012;7(3):115128. Posters and Abstracts Roiger, TC. First-year athletic training students perceptions of reflective journaling as a pedagogical tool in clinical education. Athl Train Educ J. 2011;6(suppl 1):13S. Presentations A longitudinal pilot study of depressive symptomology in concussed and injured, non-concussed Division I student-athletes. Presenter: Mid-America Athletic Trainers Association Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposia, Des Moines, IA March 2014. Youth Sport Safety Considerations. Co-Presenter: South Dakota AHPERD Annual Meeting and Education Conference, Brookings, SD November 2013. Concussion Injuries - South Dakota Focus. Invited co-panelist on South Dakota Public Broadcasting. October 10, 2013. A Pedagogical Strategy to Assess and Enhance Athletic Training Student Confidence in Task Areas of the BOC Role Delineation Study. Co-Presenter at Mid-America Athletic Trainers Association Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposia, Tulsa, Oklahoma March 14-16 2013. RESEARCH, SCHOLARSHIP, and CREATIVE ACTIVITY, contd Developing a central resource center as a strategy to overcome barriers and improve patient centered outcomes for concussed rural youth: Implementing evidence based sport related concussion diagnosis and management plans in rural school districts. Co-Presenter at Mid-America Athletic Trainers Association Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposia, Tulsa, Oklahoma March 14-16 2013. Using Program Assessment to Drive Change in an Athletic Training Education Program. Co-Presenter at Athletic Training Educators Conference. January 2013. Grants and Contracts Co-Investigator: A Longitudinal Examination of Post-Concussion Depressive Symptomology in Division I Student-Athletes, SDSU Office of Academic Affairs, 2014 ($3,500) Funded Co-Investigator (5% effort): Evidence Based Diagnosis and Care Improves Patient Centered Outcomes in Concussed Rural Youth, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, 2013 ($1.09 million) not funded Co-Investigator (5% effort): Building a Youth Cohort for Concussion Research: Establishing a Continuum of Care, National Institutes of Health R03, 2013 ($100,000) not funded Co-Investigator: A Qualitative Examination of Post-Concussion Quality of Life in Rural South Dakota Youth, 2012 ($3,450.00) - Funded Co-Investigator (5% effort): Avera and SDSU: Closing the Gap Between Sport-Related Concussions and Management in Rural Communities, 2012 ($19,997.00) funded CLINICAL «Ӱҵ, Brookings, SD 8/99 6/09 Assisted with provision of healthcare for collegiate student-athletes. Responsibilities included coordination and implementation of pre-participation physical examinations, supervise NCAA-mandated Weight Certification program for wrestling athletes, manage prophylactic medication program for dermatological disorders for wrestling, and coordinate physician referrals, treatments, and rehabilitation for wrestling and track and field and cross country. Institute for Athletic Medicine, Minneapolis, MN 8/97 6/99 Provided athletic training coverage for several Minneapolis/St. Paul area high school athletic competitions including soccer, boys hockey, girls volleyball, and wrestling. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 8/97 6/99 Responsible for all aspects of athletic training service for University of Minnesota wrestling, including coordination of all pre-participation physical examinations, physician referrals, and patient treatment and rehabilitation. Instituted NCAA-mandated weight certification process for all wrestlers and supervised quarterly drug testing. Provided fall camp coverage assistance for football, and event coverage assistance for football, track and field, cross country, basketball, golf, and tennis. COMMITTEES/LEADERSHIP/VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE SDSU Faculty Senate 2014 Present SDSU Academic Appeals Committee 2015 Present MAATA Peer-Reviewer 2013 Present BOC Home-Study Reviewer 2009 - 2013 SDSU HPER Faculty Representative to 2008 - 2010 College of Education and Human Sciences HLC-NCA Accreditation Governance and Admin. Structure Committee 2007 - 2008 Eastern South Dakota Science and Engineering Fair Judge 2005 - 2010 Flandreau Indian School Success Academy Programming Provider 2004 - 2010 District 5 College/University Athletic Training Student Committee 2005 -2007 Co-Directed SDSU Faculty In-Service First Aid in the Classroom 04/2007 Co-Program Coordinator District 5 Annual Athletic Training Symposium 03/2004 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS National Athletic Trainers Association, Inc., Member #962528 7/97 - Present Mid-America Athletic Trainers Association (MAATA) 8/99 - Present South Dakota Athletic Trainers Association 8/99 - Present South Dakota Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners, Lic. #0126 8/99 - Present ,-=KRTdhqr/ D ֲwi[MAhuO:huO:CJ]aJhuO:hX6CJ]aJhuO:hX5CJ\aJhuO:huO:5CJ\aJhuO:hXB*CJaJph&jhuO:hXB*CJUaJphhuO:hX0JCJaJhuO:hXCJaJjhuO:hXCJUaJh10t5CJaJhuO:huO:5CJaJhuO:hX5CJaJhI5CJaJ haJhuO:hXaJ huO:aJ->< E  S ] ^ `gduO:gdzCgdy^$a$D E W X Y  * + , 7 R S ] ݼ~uoiu`VuMuhuO:haJhuO:hX6aJhuO:huO:aJ h`!aJ hs{aJhuO:hXaJhuO:hXCJ\aJhuO:huO:6CJ]aJhI6CJ]aJhs{6CJ]aJhuO:hX6CJ]aJhuO:hX5CJaJh6CJaJhuO:hy^6CJaJhuO:hXCJaJhuO:hy^CJaJhuO:hXCJ]aJ A T U V !  $,kź}r}j}_}T}T}ThuO:h^CJaJh$h^CJaJh$WCJaJhlNh^CJaJh^CJaJh^6CJaJh$Wh^CJaJh$hb56CJaJhb56CJaJhbCJaJhuO:hbCJaJh$hb5aJhb56aJhXCJaJh.RXCJaJh$h 56CJaJh hXaJ A U V ! h  gd @.h^hgds{gd^dgdbgdbgdbgd s89@D  !" !, ()Mźںαźκακκڥŝں{ακκhwq)hwq)CJaJhwq)hwq)6CJaJh @.h @.CJaJhwq)CJaJh @.h @.6CJaJhwq)6CJaJhuO:h @.CJaJh @.6CJaJhuO:h @.6CJaJh @.CJaJhs{CJaJhuO:hs{CJaJh$WhbCJaJ0E"!;4)Nh^hgdwq)gdwq) & Fgdwq)h^hgd @.gd @. & Fgd @.h`hgdQgdQ & FgdQh`hgd @.NOqrGHIghz{gd$ & Fgd"h^hgdQgd$Wgd @. & Fgd @.h`hgd @.h^hgd @.MUY3?@Slmrx|GHIghz{}qs ƻβֈ}uh$CJaJh$Whs{CJaJh$Wh$CJaJhQhQCJaJhQCJaJhQhQ6CJaJh$W6CJaJh$Wh$WCJaJhiiCJaJh @.CJaJhuO:h @.CJaJh @.6CJaJhwq)6CJaJhuO:h @.6CJaJ,_k " 3 G H I U _ ! !!!!!!"" 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