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Yes No If no, what type of visa are you on? ___________________________ Present enrollment status: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Student (During the Fall and Spring semesters, undergraduate employees must be enrolled for at least 6 credits and graduate employees must be enrolled for at least 5 credits at SDSU, in order to be exempt from Social Security.) Number of credit hours you are taking this semester________ I would prefer to work in the following department(s): (please check all that apply):  Archives Circulation Documents Interlibrary Loan  Information Services  Stacks How many hours would you prefer to work each week? __________________________________ Are you available or willing to work some: (please check all that apply) Mornings Afternoons Evenings Weekends Holidays Breaks IF HIRED: How long would you plan to work at Briggs Library? ___This semester ___ This year ___ Until graduation __ Summer only SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: check items you are familiar with or skills you have  Filing Library Online Catalog Library of Congress Dewey Decimal  Previous library experience (explain)  Office work (explain)  Working with the public (explain) Volunteer work (explain) REFERENCES Name of Reference__________________________________________________________ How does this person know you? Advisor___ Faculty___ Employer______________ Other__________ (Name of business) (Relationship) Address and phone number _____________________________________________________________ EMPLOYMENT HISTORY list most recent first If no employment history, check here: _____ Company name ______________________________________ Date began-ended ___________________ Address ______________________________________ Reason for leaving ___________________________ Job description ___________________________________________________________________________ Company name ______________________________________ Date began-ended ___________________ Address ______________________________________ Reason for leaving ___________________________ Job description ___________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATIONS TO: Library Services Desk, Briggs Library, SBL2115, «Ӱҵ, Brookings, SD 57007-1098 Phone: 605-688-5106 Email: blref@sdstate.edu If a library department is interested in interviewing you, they will call you to set up an appointment. Your application is kept on file for a year. If your address, phone number or interest in the position changes, please contact the Library Program Assistant at 688-5106 or stop by the Administrative Office (Room 106) 8 am 5 pm to update your application.     FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: (please initial and date) __________application recd email __________ application evaluated __________ interviewed __________interviewed __________hired Revised 7-18-13   $178?EGKN[\]^vwx     $ ynyyfnhT0CJaJhT0hjCJaJhT0hcCJaJhCJaJhT0hvmCJaJh<hTCJaJhf\hT5CJaJhf\hCJaJhTCJaJhf\hTCJaJhWPhTh< hyhT hhhh-hWjhUmHnHu$\]^wx  y   K L gdU&|`gdvmgdygd$4<gdgdjgdT0gdvm$a$gdTgdTgdWP$a$gdWP$ - . 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