Range Studies
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Range Faculty
SDSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Senior Program Leader / Professor of Department of Natural Resource Management
Cow/Calf Faculty
Recent Range Studies
- Evaluation of dietary thiamin for utilization of high sulfate water.
- Water quality effects on consumption, production, and environmental issues.
- Grazing patterns for continuous season-long and short-duration grazing.
- Response of individual plants to grazing.
- Evaluation of switchgrass as a biofuel.
- Grazing patterns for continuous season-long and spring-deferred grazing.
- Steer response to grazing system.
- Plant community change associated with grazing system.
- Grazing ecotypes of western wheatgrass and blue grama.
- Diet quality of steers on introduced and native pastures.
- Steer performance on native and introduced pastures.
- Late summer protein supplementation.
- Introduced pastures as a forage source during drought.
Recent Cow/Calf Studies
- Evaluation of dried distillers grains for pregnant heifers.
- Response of cow-calf pairs to water high in sulfates.
- Evaluation of barley vs. hay for wintering beef cows.
- Calving date, weaning date and reproductive performance.
- Evaluation of fecal NIR to predict dietary crude protein.
- Association of serum total protein in newborn calves with later death and illness.
- Evaluation of wheat middlings as a supplement for cows grazing winter range.
- Blood meal/corn gluten meal supplement for cows grazing native range after calving.
- MGA for synchronizing beef cows.
- Level of concentrate supplement for cows grazing winter range.
- Effect of weaning date and winter nutrition on reproductive performance.
- Source of energy on performance of replacement heifers.
- Methionine addition to a urea-grain supplement for cows grazing winter range.
- Body condition and reproductive performance of range cows.
Current temperature at Cottonwood Range and Livestock Field Station
![Mesonet at SDState Cottonwood realtime weather web widget](https://mesonet.sdstate.edu/content/img/error.png)