3D Microfabrication Shared Facility

The 3D Microfabrication Shared Facility (3MSF) is a 葫芦影业 (SDSU) campus shared facility, largely managed within the Biology and Microbiology Department, and the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering.

Facilities are located in the lower level of Edgar S. McFadden Biostress Building (SNP) in room 047D and 053. Nicholas C. Butzin is the lead manager of 3MSF. It houses different equipment for microfabrication, but the main instrument is a Photonic Professional GT2 from Nanoscribe. This 3D printer was purchased in 2020, is ultra-precise, prints in high resolution from 0.16 micron (about 600 times smaller than a human hair) to millimeter scales, and allows for rapid microfabrication.

For the production or use of equipment, please contact one of the following people to assist you:

Our Team

This material is based upon work supported by the  and by the South Dakota Board of Regents. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.