Institutional Information
Follow Us:
Institutional Address
1015 Campanile Ave
Box 2201, SAD 200
Brookings, SD 57007-0001
Phone: 605-688-6696
Email: Grants and Contracts
Contact for more information
- AOR (signature authority and submissions): Dianne Nagy, Assistant Vice President for Research Development and Administration (Division of Research)
- Proposal development and submissions: Carson Sehr, Grant Development Specialist (Div. of Research); primary AOR for submissions to , NIH and NSF.
- Administrative Officer: Jill O'Neil, Director of Grants and Contracts Administration, Email Contact: Grants and Contracts Administration
- Financial Officer: Eric Kinslow, Assistant Director of Grants and Contracts Administration, Email Contact: Grants and Contracts Administration
- For unit support, contact the college's Associate Dean for Research or the Grant Coordinator/Specialist.
- View the SDSU institutional policies and procedures.
Assurances and Certifications*
Section | Details |
Institutional Animal Care and Use Assurance Number | A3958-01 |
Human Subjects Federal-Wide Assurance 2 | FWA00000663 |
Misconduct in Science 2 | Updated Annually |
*Detailed "Representations and Certifications" are required for many federal contracts.
2 Report filed annually with federal Office of Research Integrity (ORI)
SDSU Identifiers and Documentation
Section | Details |
Employer Identification Number (EIN)1 | 46-6000364 |
*EIN for DHHS ONLY: 1466000364C1 | |
Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) (replaced by UEI in April 2022) | 929929743 |
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) () | DNZNC466DGR7 |
Congressional District | SD 1st - or for SD-001 |
DHHS-PMS Payment Identification Number for AES | 7J12 |
DHHS-PMS Payment Identification Number for CES | 7J82 |
Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) | 0SMR4 |
Standard Industrial Classifications (SIC)2 | 8221 |
Federal Supply Classifications (FSC)3 | A, U |
Federal Interagency Committee on Education (FICE) | 0003471 |
National Science Foundation (NSF) | 34710000 |
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) | 611310 |
ASAP | 4621668 |
Originating agency Identifier (ORI) | SD082ZZ |
SAM expiration date | July 29, 2025 |
Federally Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA) | PDF document |
Cognizant Agency | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Jeanette Lu, Phone: 415-437-7820 |
Fringe benefits rate explanation letter (FY24) | PDF document |
State of South Dakota single audit (FY22) | SDSU audit explanation letter |
Documentation of self-insurance (from State of South Dakota BOA) |
1 EIN is equivalent to TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) and to IRS Number
2 SIC Code designation is "Colleges, Universities and Professional Schools"
3 "A" designates "Research and Development" and "U" designates "Education"