Graduation Frequently Asked Questions

Attire: Are there any restrictions for what graduates wear to the ceremony?

All graduates are required to wear a cap, gown and other appropriate academic regalia at the commencement ceremonies. To ensure your gown matches your fellow graduates and is uniform for the ceremony, please visit . Only approved honors society cords may be worn at the ceremony and are available for eligible graduates when ordering cap and gown. It is also recommended you wear comfortable shoes, as you will be climbing stairs and standing for short periods of time.

Cords: Which can I wear?

One way students distinguish themselves at Graduation is through cords, earning various honors and accolades throughout college careers at SDSU. The Graduation Ceremony is an opportunity to proudly wear these cords and represent your organizations and achievements, but we do ask you to keep one rule in mind:

  • Please only wear cords that were given by academic departments or colleges. Thank you for adhering to this policy and congratulations on your achievement!
Photographer: Is a professional photographer available?

Ceremony Photos is pleased to provide this complimentary service to each graduate who crosses the stage during the commencement ceremony.

Please visit their website to view the commencement photographs. All ceremony participants will receive an email and link to view their proofs taken during the commencement ceremony and events. There is no obligation to purchase.

Any questions about commencement photography can be addressed by email to Ceremony Photos.


Diploma: When are diplomas available?

All graduates must order their diploma and indicate delivery preference. The SDSU Registrar鈥檚 Office contacts graduates via email notifying when diplomas are available. To receive official confirmation of degree, transcripts are available by the dates indicated online.

Estimated timelines for diplomas:

  • Fall graduates: March
  • Spring graduates: July
  • Summer graduates: October
Student receiving her doctoral hood
Icon of a graduation cap
graduate students
How to Wear a Graduate Student Hood?

Congratulations on earning your degree and the privilege of wearing the academic hood! These instructions are provided to help you wear the hood correctly.