Diagnostic Evaluation Charge In-State (Necropsy)
Service Area
Test Days
Fees include several tests (excluding molecular and toxicology) such as: routine histopathology, two special histology stains, up to two IHC slides, five aerobic cultures, mammalian VI, FA testing, one CBC and parasitology as deemed appropriate by the case coordinator on tissues from one to three animals or one to 10 birds/fish. Any culture beyond five will be charged $8.00 per culture. Animals (one to three) or birds/fish (one to 10) must have the same disease syndrome and come from the same animal unit so that test specimens can be pooled/mixed and reported as a composite. For any bovine cases greater than 30 months of age, spinal cord removal is required for rendering (additional charge = $65). There will be an additional charge of $17 per animal for a disposal fee per case with Standard Diagnostic Evaluation.