SD Child Development Associate (CDA)

SDCDA Background

The South Dakota Child Development Associate (SDCDA) Training Project provides early childhood professional training and mentoring for individuals who work with:

  • Children in child care centers
  • Family child care homes
  • Preschools


Currently we offer two ways to complete your , live via Zoom or on demand, online training.


Student Orientation Leaders
Live CDA Zoom Class

Live Zoom classes offer participants an opportunity to network and learn with other child care providers. Mentoring and individual assistance is offered throughout the course to support you in successfully meeting the requirements of the national CDA credential. Classes are scheduled Tuesday nights or Friday mornings to accommodate individuals working with children.

Typing at a keyboard
Online, On Demand CDA Training

For those that are independent, self-paced learners we are pleased to announce our partnership with Smart Horizons to offer an online option to complete the CDA credential. Mentoring and individualized support services are available for an extra fee.

Both Zoom and the online training options will articulate for up to 12 free college credits with participating South Dakota colleges.


Contact the Child and Family Resource Network to enroll in either option.

  •  with Smart Horizons