Andrea Leschewski
Associate Professor
- Ph.D. in agricultural, food and resource economics | Michigan State University
- M.S. in agricultural, food and resource economics | Michigan State University
- B.A. in economics and mathematics | Carthage College
Academic and Professional Experience
Academic Responsibilities
- AGEC 371 Agricultural Business Management
- AGEC 479 Agricultural Policy
- AGEC 485/585 Farming and Food Systems Economics
- MKTG/ECON 476/576 Marketing Research
Committees and Professional Memberships
- Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA)
- National Agri-Marketing Association
Research and Scholar Work
Areas of Research
- Nutrition assistance and education policy
- Consumer demand
- Food and agribusiness management
Awards and Honors
- College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Outstanding Researcher (2022-2023)
- Ness School Graduate Teacher of the Year (2021-2022)
- 2022 National Excellence in Extension Team Award
- Leschewski A., Baker S., Roe A., Pybus, K., Udahogora, M., Shelnutt, K., and Pierce, S. A cost-benefit analysis of EFNEP utilizing biomarkers of chronic disease risk. USDA NIFA AFRI- Program Priority Area A1344 Diet Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases, 2021, $963,386.
- A. Leschewski. Mississippi State University Extension Adult EFNEP Cost-Benefit Analysis. Contract, 2024, $8,661.
- R. Daraboina, A. Leschewski, G. Bastian, S. Michael, G. Langelett, S. Finkelstein. Predicting Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program Dropout Using Artificial Intelligence. SDSU RSCA Challenge Grant, 2024, $13,057.
- A. Leschewski, S. Pierce, M.C. Aragon, S. Baker, M. Udahogora, K. Pybus, N. Duffy, A. Roe, K. Sankavaram. 2024. A Proposed Cost-Benefit Analysis of Adult EFNEP Utilizing Biomarkers of Chronic Disease Risk. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. (Accepted).
- S. Finkelstein, R. Daraboina, A. Leschewski, S. Michael. 2024. A Machine Learning (ML) Approach to Understanding Participation in Government Nutrition Programs. Current Opinion in Psychology. (Accepted).
- J. Jones, K. Jones, A. Leschewski, G. Melo. 2024. SNAP Online Purchasing Pilot Reduced Food Insufficiency Among Low-Income Households During Early Pandemic. Amber Waves. U.S. Department of Agriculture.
- A. Leschewski, M.C. Aragon, S. Baker, D. Weatherspoon, K. Barale, G. Auld and R. Acquah-Sarpong. 2024. EFNEP Generates Economic Value Through BMI Improvement: A Cost-Benefit Analysis. Journal of Extension. 61(4):17.
- K. Jones, A. Leschewski, J. Jones, G. Melo. 2023. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Online Purchasing Pilot's Impact on Food Insufficiency. Food Policy. 121:102538.
- A. Leschewski, S. Baker, S. Pierce, K. Pybus, M. Udahogora, K. Shellnutt, and A Roe. 2023. A Cost-Benefit Analysis of EFNEP Utilizing Biomarkers of Chronic Disease Risk: Year One. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 55(7):105.
- A. Leschewski, D. Davis. 2023. Nutrition Assistance Program Take-Up Given Multiprogram Eligibility. Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. 2(1): 35-50.
- A. Leschewski, C. Sellnow. 2021. Determinants of U.S. Household Expenditures on Fortified Fruit Juice. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 0(0):1-14.
- N. Jahan, A. Leschewski, and D Davis. 2020. Restaurant Tipping Discrimination: Evidence from a Representative Sample of US Households. Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization. (In-Press)
- A. Leschewski and D. Davis. 2020. The Nutritional Quality of Food Purchases at SNAP-Authorized and Unauthorized Non-Traditional Retailers. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. 15(6): 851-865.
- A. Leschewski and A. Kuhns. 2020. . Public Health Nutrition. DOI:10.1017/S1368980020000749.
- A. Lovgren, R.B. Ross, A. Leschewski and H.C. Peterson. 2019. Do Entrepreneurial Assistance Programs Create Value for Agri-Food Entrepreneurs? Entrepreneurship Research Journal. 10(1).
- Leschewski, A. and D. Weatherspoon. 2018. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Current and Proposed Restricted Food Expenditures. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 55(3): e70-e77.
- A. Leschewski, D. Weatherspoon, and A. Kuhns. 2018. Household Acquisition of Healthy Food Away from Home. British Food Journal 120(3): 588-601.
- A. Leschewski, D. Weatherspoon, and A. Kuhns. 2017. Rethinking Household Demand for Food Diversity. British Food Journal 119(6): 1176-1188.
- A. Leschewski, D. Weatherspoon, and A. Kuhns. A Segmented Hedonic Analysis of the Nutritional Composition of Fruit Beverages. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 19(3).
- A. Leschewski, and D. Weatherspoon. 2014. Fast Food Restaurant Pricing Strategies in Michigan Food Deserts. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review Special Issue: Food Demand, Diet and Health: 147-170.
Associated Areas