SD Local Transportation Assistance Program

The South Dakota Local Transportation Assistance Program (SDLTAP) translates the latest highway and bridge technology into understandable terms for local government entities throughout the state. In linking transportation technology and local government, SDLTAP keeps local government officials informed about new publications, techniques and training opportunities that may benefit their communities.

Staff members from SDLTAP set a goal to visit each county highway department each year. During these meetings, staff members respond to questions fielded by each department and learn what each is doing to solve its transportation needs. This allows SDLTAP to disseminate these solutions statewide, helping other departments across the state with similar needs.

SDLTAP also offers training workshops on topics, such as: asphalt maintenance, asphalt paving, culvert installation, defensive driving, geotextiles, personnel management, risk management, safety awareness, surveying, winter maintenance, work-zone traffic control and gravel roads.

The newly-revised "Gravel Roads Construction & Maintenance Guide" was produced in a joint effort by the Federal Highway Administration and SDLTAP. This manual serves as an invaluable resource for local agency officials, managers and motor grader operators who are responsible for designing and maintaining gravel-surfaced roads.  are available online or through your state's LTAP Center.

Additional training opportunities are available through the , a training partnership of DOTs and Universities in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming.