Student's Association Petition Process

Candidate Petition Process

During the Students' Association election process, students are required to take out a petition and acquire signatures from students within their academic college. The number of signatures varies dependent on academic college enrollment and will be communicated once a petition is requested. All petitions are electronic through Microsoft Forms making it easy to gain signatures virtually! Students can take out petitions by email the Students' Association vice president.

Take out an At-Large petition


Petition Dates

Petitions Open

Aug. 26, 2024

Petitions Close

Sept. 10, 2024

Petition Guidelines

  • All applicants who wish to be considered a candidate for a vacancy must petition 50 signatures or 3.5%, whichever is less, with the exception of the Graduate School which needs 25 signatures or 3.5%, whichever is less, from the corporation members. Students who submitted a complete petition for their respective college in the Corporation general election may use that same petition to declare eligibility for the At-Large election. Students wishing to use their same petition must inform the vice president of that intention within two days of the close of the general election.
  • Candidates to be considered for a Senator At-Large seat shall be interviewed by the Board of Directors.

To learn more about election guidelines, visit the Article V. Legislative Branch, Section 2. Elections of the Students' Association Bylaws