Policy 11:3 - Institutes and Centers at the University

Policy Contact: Vice President for Research and Economic Development

  1. Purpose

    This policy and its procedures provide a planning guide and framework for developing inter- and multi-disciplinary Institutes and Centers to leverage resources and enhance the impact of the land-grant university mission areas of research, education, or outreach.

  2. Definitions
    1. University Institute: a long-term University endeavor that brings together faculty or staff from multiple colleges, and that is hosted in the appropriate vice president-level division. A University Institute may comprise several Centers.
    2. University Center: an endeavor with a narrower focus than an Institute, that brings together faculty or staff from multiple colleges, and that is hosted in the appropriate vice president-level discussion.
    3. Unit Center: an endeavor that represents a unit's (College, School, Department) strategic goals and priorities and brings together faculty or staff from one or more units, and that is hosted in a unit.
    4. Center or Centers: the terms "Center" or "Centers" collectively refer to University Institutes, University Centers, or Unit Centers, as defined above. Service Centers or Recharge Centers provided for in University Policy 5:8 may be but are not necessarily organized within or a function of University Institutes, University Centers, or Unit Centers.
    5. Center Director: the person or persons responsible for leading a Center.
  3. Policy
    1. Centers will fulfill the University mission and strategic plan more effectively than can be accomplished without a Center organizational and operating structure.
    2. A University Institute should generally have a financial model that provides for high impact mission fulfillment for ten (10) years or more. A University or Unit Center should generally have a financial model that provides for high impact mission fulfillment for five (5) years or more.
    3. A proposal for establishing a Center may be initiated from faculty, staff, any organizational unit, or administrator. Written proposals for a Center will be the fundamental document for review and authorization of a Center.
    4. The University President or delegate is responsible for approval of applications for Centers, and for approval or renewal of Centers.
    5. All Centers approved under this policy and those established preceding the effective date of this policy are subject to periodic review for renewal. Centers established with external sponsorship may vary from a five-year review cycle in accordance with documented external funding specifications.
    6. Facilities and administration costs recovered by sponsorships received for Center-associated work will be allocated to the administrative units of the project personnel according to the policy or practice in place.
    7. College Center Directors report to the dean or designee with the most participating faculty members for director functions. All other Center Directors report to the vice president or designee most closely affiliated with the Center's mission for director functions.
    8. Centers may hire and appoint personnel, but all appointments of academic personnel will be made by the governing unit in conformity with all applicable policies.
    9. External partners may participate in Centers, provided agreements are in place prior to the external partner's performing activities of the Center.
    10. The naming of a Center must comply with SDBOR Policy 1.7.2.
  4. Procedures
    1. New proposals for Centers will be submitted through the administrative chain of supervision to the dean or equivalent administrative unit administrator.
    2. If approved, the dean or equivalent administrative unit administrator will recommend the proposal to the Vice President for Research and Economic Development. The Vice President for Research and Economic Development will review and submit a recommendation of approval or denial to the Provost.
    3. If approved, the Provost will submit proposals recommended for approval to the University President.
      1. Any review level may seek review by advisory groups, appropriate administrators, and organizations; may include discussions or presentations; and may request revisions.
    4. University Institutes and University Centers will typically have a part-time or full-time director that reports to a unit-level role for director functions.
    5. Content of Center proposal
      1. Name of the proposed Center;
      2. A mission statement specifying objectives and goals for outcomes;
      3. Executive summary of scope, purpose, alignment with University's strategic plan, and project timeline;
      4. Justification stating why the Center's outcomes cannot be met with existing organizational structures;
      5. Governance structure, organizational chart, roles and responsibilities, and name and credentials of the proposed director;
      6. Process of enrolling or retiring members;
      7. Identification of the Center's needs for services, including but not limited to: webpages, library, telecommunication and computing, external agreements, other equipment, and space and facilities; and
      8. Five-year budget pro-forma, including established and pending funding sources. Budget pro-forma should specify all anticipated sources of revenue and expense, including internal and external sources, as well as secured and anticipated revenues.
    6. Periodic review. The Vice President for Research and Economic Development will maintain a schedule of Center reviews, typically at five-year intervals. Center leadership will be informed of a pending review at least six (6) months before a review is due. Center leadership will prepare a review document for submission as outlined below. Review cycles may be shorter than five (5) years if specified by sponsors' documents or requested by the host dean, vice president, or President. Five-year review document contents are as follows:
      1. Accomplishments including impacts and outcomes achieved, especially highlighting outputs and impacts that could not have been achieved without a Center structure; and
      2. All content of a Center proposal with any changes highlighted relative to the previous Center proposal or review.
  5. Responsible Administrator

    The Vice President for Research and Economic Development, successor, or designee is responsible for bi-annual and ad hoc review of this policy and procedures. The University President is responsible for approval of this policy and its procedures.

Approved by President on 09/16/2024.

Sources: SDBOR Policy