Policy 2:7 - Utilization of Course Management System (D2L) in Teaching and Learning

Policy Contact: Office of Academic Affairs

  1. Purpose

    This policy and its procedures identify the instructional requirements of using the approved course management system in teaching.

  2. Policy

    At present, the approved course management system is Desire2Learn, or D2L. To fully support teaching and learning, the syllabus and instructor contact information are required to be posted on D2L for all courses by the first day of each semester in which the course is taught. By using D2L, faculty members meet FERPA requirement regarding appropriate dissemination of student information.

  3. Procedures
    1. Instructional Design Services will open courses in D2L according to the University semester schedule.
    2. Prior to the first day of the semester, faculty will post a current syllabus (using University Getting Started widget) and enter contact information including office hours (using University Course Info widget). This is considered a minimum and posting other course materials is encouraged.
    3. Instructional Design Services (“IDS”) will track faculty who log onto D2L by the end of the second week of classes and generate a list of courses where the faculty member has logged in.
    4. This list of courses, organized by college, will be shared with college deans who will monitor courses and follow up with those departments whose courses are lacking a D2L presence. Department heads will work directly with faculty.
    5. If warranted, faculty will submit requests for exceptions to the department head.
    6. Department head will submit list of all exceptions to the college dean for approval.
    7. Continuing exceptions may be requested for the following courses:
      1. X91 Independent Study
      2. 498 UG Research/Scholarship
      3. 788 Master’s Research Problem/Project
      4. 789 Master’s Research Problem/Project Sustaining
      5. 798/898S/898D Thesis/Dissertation
      6. 799/899S/899D Thesis/Dissertation Sustaining
      7. Zero credit labs linked to credit-bearing courses
      8. Others as identified and approved by college deans
  4. Responsible Administrator

    The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, successor, or designee is responsible for bi-annual and ad hoc review of this policy and its procedures. The University President is responsible for approval of modifications to this policy and its procedures.

Approved by President on 09/09/2013.
