Policy 7:1 - Acceptable Use of Social Media

Policy Contact: University Marketing and Communications

  1. Purpose

    This policy and its procedures set forth the guidelines for acceptable use of social media at the University.

  2. Definitions
    1. Social Media: Media disseminated through virtual, highly accessible, and scalable publishing techniques, as well as the social interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities or networks (“platforms”). Examples include but are not limited to Facebook, X, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Vine, Pinterest, Snapchat and Flickr.
    2. Official University Social Media Platforms: University approved and managed Social Media online communities used to inform users of University-related news, events, emergencies and other important information, as well as foster University related discussion and sense of community among users.
  3. Policy
    1. This policy applies to all University employees, students, or affiliates. Violations of this policy may be enforced in accordance with disciplinary policies and procedures applicable to the status of the individual.
    2. All Social Media Sites
      1. Users may not post confidential information about the University, its students, employees or affiliates derived from University records. Employees must follow the applicable federal requirements such as FERPA and HIPAA, as well as other laws, regulations, and policies.
      2. Users may only use University owned intellectual property or proprietary information as allowed by SDBOR Policy 4:34 and University Policy 9:3. 
      3. Social Media individual use is subject to all applicable Social Media platform terms, University and SDBOR policies and procedures, including but not limited to SDBOR Policy 7:1, as well as federal and state law.
      4. The University shall not require students or employees to create a Social Media account or use a particular Social Media site in order to receive general University information or participate in a class, major, department, program, or interest group. This does not preclude course assignments related to creation of social media germane to the legitimate course academic contents.
      5. While the University acknowledges the use of Social Media and encourages the use of Official University Social Media Platforms, the University shall not be responsible for comments or posts made by users. Unofficial comments and posts are not statements of the University and do not necessarily represent the University’s opinions or policies. 
      6. Individuals using personal Social Media accounts indicating they are affiliated with the University are responsible for ensuring that their audience understands they are speaking as private citizens and not in their roles as University employees or on behalf of the SDBOR or University. Additionally, professional employees, as defined in SDBOR Policy 4.9.3, must comply with the requirements of SDBOR Policy 4.9.3 in their use of personal Social Media.
    3. Official University Social Media Platforms
      1. All Official University Social Media Platforms must publish and consistently enforce the standards in this and other University and SDBOR policies. Use of Social Media for official communications is subject to SDBOR Policy 1.7.6 Communications and Branding, University Policy 9:6, the University Graphic Identity Standards, the University Brand Toolbox, the University Social Media Guidelines, and other associated guidelines and policies.
      2. Official University Social Media Platforms must support the mission, goals, and programs, but do not replace the University Official Website and may not be used to conduct official or required University activities.
      3. Before establishing an Official University Social Media Platform, individuals must obtain approval from the Director of Marketing and Communications, successor, or designee and Vice President for Technology and Security, or designee.
      4. An individual must be designated to manage the content of the approved Official University Social Media Platform. This Social Media platform administrator is responsible for notifying University Marketing and Communications or other designated University official when an Official University Social Media Platform is compromised, requires enforcement action, or is no longer needed and has been deleted.
      5. Users are responsible for following this policy as well as its referenced provisions, and the University Social Media Guidelines that are set forth and published by University Marketing and Communications.
      6. The content shared and maintained on Official University Social Media Platforms must be in accordance with applicable provisions of policies, procedures, and laws. Content posters must properly obtain and acknowledge intellectual property rights of others. The University remains the owner of its trademark, brands, and other intellectual property utilized.
      7. Current Official University Social Media platforms can be found in the Social Media Directory as made available by University Marketing and Communications.
      8. The following is prohibited on Official University Social Media Platforms and while the University does not consistently monitor these sites, the University reserves the right to remove from Official University Social Media Platforms without notice, content, comments, and posts that are off-topic; represent advertisements or spam; constitute or encourage illegal activity; create a security risk; infringe upon someone’s rights; contain obscenities; direct and target physical threats; or that reasonably appear to violate state or federal law, or University or SDBOR policies, guidelines, or standards.
        1. The Director of Marketing and Communications, successor, or designee is responsible for handling incidents that are related to marketing, communications, brand, or University image in accordance with applicable policies, procedures, and laws.
        2. The Vice President for Technology and Security, or designee, is responsible for handling all other incidents in accordance with applicable policies, procedures, and laws.
  4. Procedures
    1. Colleges and Departments seeking to utilize Official University Social Media Platforms will contact the Director of Marketing and Communications, successor, or designee.
    2. Approval of Official University Social Media Platforms will be made by the Director of Marketing and Communications, successor, or designee and the Vice President for Technology and Security, or designee, within thirty (30) days of requesting approval.
    3. A request for approval must contain the following:
      1. Name of the individual assigned to manage content;
      2. Social media platform(s) sought to be used;
      3. Proposed name of account(s); and
      4. Proposed uses of account(s).
  5. Responsible Administrator

    The Director of Marketing and Communications, successor, or designee is responsible for the annual and ad hoc review of this policy. The University President is responsible for approval of modifications to this policy.

Approved by President on 04/27/2015. Revised, approved by President on 08/14/2024.

Sources: SDBOR Policies , and ; University Policies 3:1, 3:2, University Policy – Section 4, 9:3 and 9:6