Observations of teaching through the CPETE are a supportive, positive, and constructive process that focuses on helping faculty identify and develop their teaching strengths. 

The observations follow elements of the Peer Observation Model and typically involve two observations per semester. These observations are strictly confidential between the faculty member and the CPETE. Information is not shared with anyone outside of the observed faculty member. The primary goal of the CPETE is to focus on the faculty development goals of the observed faculty member. View a full description and details of the .

It should be noted that there are a limited number of observations opportunities available each semester. We strongly recommend scheduling these observations as soon as possible. Once a request for an observation is made CPETE staff will work with faculty members to schedule the observations and gather information needed (syllabus, assignments, etc.) to make the process as highly effective as possible. All requests for observations must be made by the specific faculty member to be observed.

For the last two years, I’ve been using the CPETE program to help me better understand my presence in the classroom…
Stephen Gent