Natural Resource Law Enforcement (B.S.)
Only you can prevent overharvest!
The natural resource law enforcement program was developed in coordination with state and federal agencies and is only one of five similar programs in the U.S. The curriculum builds a strong integrated academic foundation in natural resource management, conservation biology, environmental policy and criminal justice. Experiential learning will prepare students for the daily duties of the career and connect students with prospective future employers. Skills in communication, conflict resolution, teamwork, leadership, ethics, laws and human dimensions, statistics, technology, global competence, critical thinking and problem solving will be developed during pursuit of this degree. Students enrolled in the natural resource law enforcement degree have the option to double major in wildlife and fisheries sciences.
- Are interested in a career in law enforcement.
- Consider yourself an advocate for the environment.
- Have interest in outdoor recreation.
- Enjoy working outdoors.
- Enjoy working with people.
- Conservation officer
- Federal enforcement agent
- Game warden
- State patrol officer
- Federal refuge manager
- State and municipal departments of law enforcement
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- U.S. Forest Service
- Tribal governments
- State and municipal departments of law enforcement
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- U.S. Forest Service
- Tribal governments