Wednesday Sewing Day (12/2/20)

Portable Singer sewing machine, ca. 1925
Portable Singer sewing machine, ca. 1925
  • Monday Wash Day.
  • Tuesday Ironing Day.
  • Wednesday Sewing Day.
  • Thursday Market Day.
  • Friday Baking Day.
  • Saturday Cleaning Day.
  • Sunday Day of Rest.

At some point in your life you have probably heard this nursery rhyme. Until about the 1970s, household chores held to a ridged schedule. In an earlier version of the rhyme Thursday is brewing day and Friday is churning day. Without modern appliances, accomplishing the rhyme鈥檚 tasks would take most of the day. Since this is what鈥檚 new Wednesday, we will look at sewing. Pictured here is an electric Singer Featherweight sewing machine.  Even with an electric sewing machine, if you had a large family the responsibility of keeping them all clothed was a monumental task. Shirts, pants and jackets for the man of the house, blouses, skirts and dresses, for the woman and many items of clothing for the children.  This Singer Class 128 electric sewing machine came with a bentwood cover.

By Staff