Student teacher
Educators and leaders for the 21st century

Whether you want to teach kindergarten or high school agriculture education, you will benefit from the unique network of support offered by our enthusiastic faculty at SDSU. You will receive the opportunities you need and the support you can rely on to become a dedicated practitioner, a reflective scholar and a responsible citizen.

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20 Majors and Minors
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3 Graduate Programs
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55 Local School Partners
Scholarship Information
Although there are a number of scholarships available for students in teacher education, the applications are handled through the university process. Sophomores and beyond will be sent an email through their Jacks email account for accessing the generic scholarship application. The information for those students will be examined by the department in order to determine eligibility for and rewarding of specific scholarships.

Full time teachers who have Federal Perkins Loans may qualify to have part or all of their loan forgiven. At present these areas include mathematics, science, foreign languages, bilingual education, art, health, language arts, music, physical education, special education, career and technical education and speech pathology.
older girl playing with younger girl
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Preparing for the Future
Internships and Careers
Most of the programs in teaching, learning and leadership require some sort of internship or student teaching experience. The undergraduate teacher education programs have multiple field experiences including a year of residency. Graduate programs include some form of internship as part of their expected coursework.

Every year there are jobs available in South Dakota at all levels and in all areas. The Teacher Placement Service, run by the Associated School Boards is a resource for learning about current job openings.
More about the Program

Our programs are continually growing and developing! We hope to hear from you as you consider joining this program and SDSU.

Program History

Teacher preparation at SDSU dates from 1904 and has undergone a number of changes over the years. Now referred to as teacher education, the Teaching, Learning, and Leadership program was created in 2009 when departments that were formerly part of the College of Education and Counseling and the College of Family and Consumer Sciences were combined to form the College of Education and Human Sciences. In 2023, the program began offering undergraduate majors in elementary education and special education.


The Teacher Education program commits to:

  • Preparing highly qualified professionals.
  • Creating and sharing new knowledge in our profession.
  • Developing outreach opportunities with stakeholders in the field.

We assess excellence through:

  • Meeting or exceeding standards of accrediting agencies.
  • Fostering the development of highly sought and valued graduates.
  • Disseminating scholarly and creative activity.

We assure this by:

  • Sharing and modeling effective teaching practices, knowledge, skills and dispositions.
  • Developing transformational leaders and lifelong learners.
  • Advocating for all stakeholders.

Our shared vision for the Teacher Education program includes four overarching themes:


  • Deliver innovative and continuously improving undergraduate and graduate programs.
  • Facilitate communication with candidates, community and faculty stakeholders to align our coursework to current and future needs in the field.
  • Develop social networks with our graduates to promote relationships, provide lifelong learning opportunities and invite their contributions to the department鈥檚 growth and development.


  • Advocate for all stakeholders to create and sustain the most promising practices.
  • Develop strong relationships amongst all stakeholders.
  • Develop partnerships in teaching, research and service.


  • Use emerging technologies purposefully to insure rich teaching and learning.
  • Develop and sustain authentic and relevant learning experiences for learners and faculty: inquiry based, guided discovery, student centered, etc.
  • Explore, create, investigate and disseminate scholarly activities.


  • Encourage and support the scholarly study of teaching and learning.
  • Advocate with a progressive and assertive voice on educational issues at state and regional levels.
  • Demonstrate, practice and sustain learning communities.
  • Model social justice by incorporating multicultural awareness and multicultural skills.
  • Empower all stakeholders to advocate for self and others in a respectful, open and direct way.
Student Clubs and Organizations

Membership in a variety of organizations and honor societies is open to students and they are encouraged to join and participate in these programs:

  • Alpha Tau Alpha is an honor society in agricultural education open to majors.
  • Kappa Delta Pi is an honor society that recognizes outstanding contributions to education.
  • Student National Education Association is affiliated with the South Dakota Education Association and the National Education Association and provides opportunities for professional growth.
  • South Dakota Association for the Education of Young Children provides opportunities for professional growth for early childhood majors.
Students and Professor in English class.
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CAEP Annual Reporting Measures

SDSU works with local school districts to retrieve completer effectiveness data as required by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

Administrators and Staff